Trashy pick up lines ~27~

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I waved goodbye to my brother and my dad as I checked the clock to see it was 2:00.

Kacey and my dad often run late on things, but 1 hour is one of the latest.

I walked over to my closet and took out my dress wearing it.

My phone buzzed on my bedside table, and I picked it up to see it was a text from Aphmau.

A: Good Luck on
that date of yours 😏

K: Shut up! It's not a
date... well it is but it
doesn't mean anything.

A: Whatever you say.
Anyways, FC is
waiting for me
so text ya later!

K: See ya.

I then scrolled through random posts on Instagram until 2:55.

I grabbed my wallet and was about to put both my wallet and phone in my pocket when I remembered I didn't have any.

"Why do most dresses not have any pockets." I grumbled to myself as I grabbed a small purse and stuffed my stuff inside, just in time to hear a doorbell ring.

"Coming!" I yelled as I went down the stairs and opened the door to see Travis smiling.

"Hey- whoa! You look so beautiful." He said looking a bit shocked.

I smacked him as I blushed a bit and walked past him. "Where are we going today?" I asked him.

"To the movies. Hope you don't mind. After the movies, we'll go to a restaurant and then to another place." He said walking beside me.

"Well seems like you have everything planned." I said with a smile as we walked towards the movie theatre.


Travis chose the movie while I grabbed us popcorn and drinks. Can't watch a movie without popcorn.

I handed him the drink and popcorn, as we got ourselves a seat.

While we were watching the movie, I noticed Travis was glancing at me occasionally.

"What do you need?" I asked him in a quiet voice to not disrupt the other people.

"Well... it's just... you're so cute it's distracting."

I hit him as I blushed a bit and I thanked how dark movie theatres are. "Wow. Way to be blunt." I said.

He laughed quietly and went back to watching the movie.

A while later, I felt Travis place his hand over mine. I rolled my eyes and smacked his hands away.

He chuckled. "Hey it was worth a shot."


Hey that was fun." Travis said while stretching as we exited the movie theatre.

"Yeah, except the times where you were trying to make moves on me." I said.

"But it was very romantic!" He whined and I chuckled.

"Not one bit. Anyways, where are we going to eat?"

"Right over there." He said as he pointed at a restaurant that was pretty close to the movie theatre.

"Sweet!" I exclaimed as we walked in, and got to our table.

We ordered, and it came pretty quickly.

"This restaurant is good! And it also serves pretty fast." I said with a smile.

"Yup I like this place a lot." He said as we ate and awkward silence filled the air.

"Ya know... if I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at the lame old joke.

"Well guess what? N and O are already together." I said smiling a bit at my comeback.

"Ouch." He said.

"What's with you and your trashy pick up lines today?" I asked him.

"It's cause I'm trash. So please take me out." He said.

"That's it. Let me give you an example of a good pick up line." I said.

"Go along." He said.

"Is your name google? Because you're everything I'm looking for." I said smirking.

"Psssh. Heard that already." Travis said.

"Well then you try saying a better one!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air.

"Damn girl, is your name wifi? Cause I'm feeling connection." Travis said which made me laugh.

"Ok that was kinda good." I admitted and Travis smirked.

"How about..." I said tapping my finger on my chin. "Are you a cat? Because you're puuuuuuuurfect."

Travis pretended to gag. "Oh please no. That is wayyyyyy too old. Here this ones better." He said. "Your eyes are blue like the ocean, and baby I'm lost at sea."

"My eyes are kinda more icy blue." I retorted.

"Ahhhh whatever. Come on, let's go. I'll pay." He said.

"Well thanks." I said not wanting to do the back and forth that everyone does.

As we exited the shop, Travis grabbed my arm with an excited look on his face. "Come on! Let's go! We'll miss it." He said as he started to run.

I ran along and thanked myself for wearing running shoes, and not heels or flats.

As we neared a corner, Travis stopped me.

"Close your eyes and trust me. You won't regret it." He said and I hesitantly nodded as I closed my eyes.

Travis slowly guided me, as I heard a splash.

"Did you take me to the sea?" I asked him.

"Well.... ugh yes! But that's not it." He said.

"Well what is it?" I asked him.

"It's the best time to be here right now. Just open your eyes and you'll see." He said and I slowly opened my eyes.

It was sunset. The smell of the sea was refreshing, and the soft splashes of the water seemed to calm me.

The view was spectacular. There was so much colour. Red, orange yellow all blending into each other into a magnificent splash of colour. The sun was turning orangish, and shining onto the ocean which turned slightly orange at places.

I stared at the view dumbfounded as to how beautiful this was.

"I-it's so beautiful." I said in a loss of words.

"Not as much as you." He said winking at me.

I just laughed. I didn't hit him. He just said the most cheesiest thing he's ever said, but I haven't punched him.

Travis seemed to notice that as well and smiled at me.

"Ya know, I used to come to this place a lot when I was little. I used to live in this town you know." He said as he turned to look at me.

I stared into his vibrant green eyes as he inched close to me. I felt paralyzed and couldn't seem to move.

As his lips touched mine, I found myself being able to move.

But instead of moving away, I kissed him back, grabbing his marshmallow like hair, and it was as soft as I thought it would be.

Is it weird to fangirl over my own fanfiction XD Finally!!!!!! Though I knew this would happen cause I planned this story.

Thanks for reading, and please vote, comment and tell your friends about my story. See ya!

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