Late Night Calls

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June 11, 1997

As promised he called as soon as he got back in town. What started out as a quick conversation about how my week went and his concerts went lasted a good two hours, talking about everything and nothing at all. Over the last few weeks, this has become a regular occurrence for us, at least 2-3 times a week since I started a new job as a CNA. At first, Morgan really had me second guessing what his motive was, but our conversations never even went left like that.

I finally told him about Noah, he found it funny and cute how they both share the same birthday. but naturally he was a little upset that I didn't tell him about Noah at first but I just wasn't sure how he might take it. I've been judged in the past for being a teen mom, but he understood.

He said, 'Jazz why would I judge you? You may be young but despite that minute fact, you love and take care of him, are in college and work. I commend you for that.' When he said that I was almost in tears, my own parents haven't even made me feel that proud for what I've done. Speaking of my parents, I am not looking forward to going over to their house today.

After Noah's birthday party on Saturday, my mom got so pissed off that she wasn't more involved in his party planning. 'Why'd you spend all this money renting out Kid's Paradise? We could've had it at the house or the park for free...You should've called me when you and your sister were making plans...I don't know why y'all think y'all grown....' and she kept on going until Morgan told her to shut the fuck up, then ALL HELL broke loose. Thank god the party was over at that point. Don't ever in your life cuss at a black momma, you might lose your life!

After parking in my parents driveway, I walked up to put my key in the door with a half sleep Noah in my arms and Alonzo holding my hand. As soon as I swung the door open, the family menace immediately starts barking, causing Noah to burst out in tears. "Mom! Come get your damn dog!"

Me and my mom got situated at the kitchen island with some tea after Shiloh came and took Noah and Alonzo upstairs. "So how's everything going?"

"Everything's fine, Morgan is doing fine too if you were wondering. You know y'all are going to have to patch things up eventually the trip is in a couple of weeks."

"The little brat started it. She should have minded her own business, that's always been her problem besides keeping her legs closed. She needs to learn about respect", as I rolled my eyes and took a long drag of my hot tea, I heard the garage door slam shut, my dad just got home. Here we go again with the bullshit.

Home at last! I'm glad they reminded me again why I chose to move out after I had Noah. After that mind numbing visit, I'm glad Morgan was home so I could vent to her.

"....I don't understand how all of this animosity between y'all escalated from you getting pregnant Netty."

"It's not just that, she probably thinks I'm a bad influence on you, and I'm trying to turn you against her. She's just a bitch. Here Aj, here's your fruit", she said passing Alonzo his plate.

"And you know Terrence never liked me or Drew, he just tolerated us because of mom. He never treated us like his own."

I can't believe she just dogged dad out like that. "Morgan you know that's not true. Dad-". "No it is true and you know it!". There was no winning this argument with her.

"Well, I think we all just need to sit down and lay it all out on the table, like a intervention or something."

She laughed, "now you know black people dont do that shit!"

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