Our New Reality

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December 6, 1999

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Trailing his slender finger along the curve of my lower lip, his eyes glistened as I wrapped my tongue around it swallowing any remnants of his sweet cum. He shuddered, "You're such a freak."

The corners of my lips rose into a devilish smirk, watching him tuck his softening dick into his burgundy crushed velvet pants. "And?"

Resting his hand on the back of my headrest as he backed out of the driveway we had been parking in for a while, he shook his head. "What if your dad came out of the house and seen your head in my lap? He would've killed you and he would've sicked Cujo on me."

Oh please, don't let his wretched name fool you, our family dog is the sweetest St.Bernard you will ever meet. Such a drama king P is. Is it a crime to unexpectedly please my man, albeit in front of my parents house, when I notice he needs to release some of his pent up tension?

"He would have not. Besides you needed it. Its bad enough you wouldn't let me give you a massage this morning, you're carrying so much tension in your back. And your hip, baby promise me you'll lay off the splits on the 18th."

"Hmm, no promises." He always jokes about how I switch into 'nurse mode' when I bring up his hips. I'm not trying to pester him, I just care about his well-being. "Speaking of the 18th, I need to call Morris and the guys and see when they're free to hit the studio."


"No tomorrow, I've been itching to finish this song."

Stifling a laugh, I shook my head. "You sure you don't want to retract what you said about going into studio rehab? Bet you $10 and a Crunch bar you don't make it two weeks."

Slowly lifting our intertwined fingers from the middle console, he pressed his lips against the back of my hand. "It won't be that hard, although I'll never stop writing because it's therapeutic for me. I want to get as much time as I can with Noah before he goes to pre-school. I'm not missing a moment of this pregnancy or you, I just need to lay down one more track and then I'm done."

"Can I come and hang in the studio while you record it?"

When he turned to look out the window, the sun rays accentuated the auburn hue on the crown of his freshly dyed hair. He grinned, not taking his eyes off the road. "No, I want you to hear it when it's perfect."

"Oh, babe take a left up here on York Ave." As the minutes rolled on and we drew closer to our destination, I grew nervous for P. We were on the way to our 12 week appointment and I know he's on edge. Hopefully talking to the doctor and actually seeing the baby will give him some peace of mind.

"P, I can't believe I gained seven pounds. I'm going to look like a little round oompa loompa by the end of all of this." Perched on the exam table, I stopped swinging my legs long enough for him to remove each one of my, well his furry boots from my feet.

"Well you'll be my cute little round oompa loompa." He's not supposed to agree with me.

A swift knock was heard before Dr.Hunt came in looking down at my chart. "Hello hello, Jasmin how are you doi—" Her eyes grew wide when they came in contact with the handsome man before her. I can only imagine what was going through her head. "You umm, you must be her..."

"Fiance, nice to meet you."

"Likewise," she cleared her throat. "Before we get started, if you don't mind me asking what can I call you?"

"Mr. Nelson is fine", he dryly said.

"Okay then. So, Jasmin your weight looks fine. Your blood pressure however was slightly elevated at 142/93. We're going to have to watch that, we don't want it climbing higher because then the risk of pre-eclampsia increases." All I could do was shake my head in agreement. I was pretty positive I didn't have pre-existing hypertension so maybe it was stress-induced.

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