Muse 2 The Pharaoh

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The next morning...

NOTE TO SELF: Pick up birth control prescription on Monday from Walgreen's.

Carelessly throwing the sticky note in my cross body, I paced into my closet and slid into the first pair of Abercrombie & Fitch cropped sweatpants I saw. Pulling the matching grey hoodie over my bare chest, I peered over at the digital clock to see I still had plenty of time to get over to my parents house before they leave for church.

I had to go pick Noah up because he said he didn't want to go to church with grandma and grandpa. It wasn't my intention to have Noah spend the night at my parents house but who knew P was going pop up, make up with me and give it to me right all through the night. My dad insisted on dropping him off...yeah about that. Of all days, the lord's day isn't the perfect time for P to meet my parents.

Climbing up onto the bed, I couldn't help but smile at his light snoring. My poor baby, I know he's tired. I don't know how many times I have to reassure him that even genius' need sleep. I could literally just sit and watch him sleep, wondering what his dreams are composed of.

If it wasn't for my silk pillow cases, he would be pissed off when he awoke with a case of dry, tangled bed-hair. I might have to assist him with it later so he doesn't have to call up Kim.

Giving his arm a light shake, he didn't even budge. "Baby, wake up." Nothing. Kissing the tip of his nose he stirred a little. A sure way to wake him up would've been giving some attention to his morning wood, but I wouldn't leave the house on time if I did. Pecking the corner of his mouth, I whispered, "Wake up baby."

Slowly shaking his head, he groggily muttered, "What?" I had to jerk my head back and refrain from laughing once his morning breath hit my nostrils.

"P, I'll be back in a like an hour. I need to run a few errands." He didn't say anything so I poked his cheek. "Did you hear me?"

Pulling the covers up to cover his chest, he was clearly aggravated that I was interrupting his beauty sleep. "Yeah I heard you, you'll be back in an hour. Love you.", he repeated without opening his eyes.

"Love you too."

I was two to three blocks away from my house when I remembered I needed to get groceries. Carrying Noah into Cub Foods, I couldn't help but shake my head at my child's mismatched attire. For starters, his dry curls were in desperate need of some TLC. Sporting an oversized Vikings jersey, batman pajama pants, and light up shoes that I don't even think are his, I'd say we both looked pretty busted. I knew this was going to be a short shopping excursion when he started whining the second I tried to put him in the buggy. "Noah, I can't hold you while I shop baby."

Pulling into the garage, I huffed once I surveyed all of the bags that lay in my trunk. Not only did I forget my grocery list at home so I was just grabbing things, but for some reason the bag lady decided to literally place only two items in each bag.

Freeing Noah of his car seat, I watched him prance his little happy-go-lucky butt in the house, toting a whole pack of Chips A'hoy cookies and a Capri Sun. Regardless of the fit he pitched in the store, I couldn't help but sigh at how adorable he looked as his shoes lit up with every step he took.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment once all the groceries were put away and I got Noah changed and settled, I kicked off my sneakers and dragged into my bedroom. I wasn't surprised when I realized P was still asleep. I wasn't going to wake him up either.

After tidying up the room, I climbed onto the bed and proceeded to dig through my purse in search of the Cub Foods receipt. Sliding a stick of DoubleMint gum on my tongue, I felt the bed shift a little and a tap on my thigh.

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