The Sensual Everafter

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October 2, 1999

"Mommy! Are we there yet?" I don't know how many times I've heard that question erupt from his tiny being within the past seven hours.

Not long after the dinner with my parents, P told me what I needed in that moment was a getaway to somewhere warm. At first excited, I soon realized that this much needed vacation might not happen since the release of his album was winding closer. But unbeknownst to me, while I slept he made some calls, moved mountains, and by the time Noah and I woke up this morning he told me to pack some bags and grab our passports.

Under no circumstances would he tell me where we were going. Even though I've never been to keen on surprises, I've learned to accept the fact that P loves to keep some things a mystery. On the other hand, Noah wasn't having it. He kept asking P where he was taking us until he finally pacified Noah with a promise.

Digging through his toy bin, he huffed in aggravation. "Pleaseeee Prince! I would tell you like, like, it's not fair." Crossing his arms, he hung his head as he continued to pout.

"Come here." Walking over to him, P tried to pick him up but Noah pulled away.


Folding the last of the clothes in his sky blue suitcase, I snapped at him. "Noah! Cut the attitude!"

Kneeling down to Noah's level, the softness in P's tone began to calm him. "Hey, look at me bud. I'm not being mean by not telling you, it's a fun surprise."

His pout started to subside. "Fun surprise?"

"Yeah, what I can tell you is that there'll be a beach and lot's of cool animals."

Immediately Noah's frown turned upside down. Jumping up and down, he let out a high pitched yell. "A beach?! I wanna go to the beach and go swimming! Oooo will we see a tiger or a—or a big brown bear?!"

We both laughed at Noah's sudden excitement. "I don't know about a bear little man, but I promise you'll have fun."

Needless to say, the moment we stepped on the private jet Noah was wired with excitement. Before take-off, he made sure to run from one length of the plane to the next and even sat in the cockpit with the pilot. His elation only intensified once he saw who he calls "Uncle Troy" and "Steph" step foot on the plane.

Thankfully Noah settled down and decided to color with Troy because the tension headache I developed last night has yet to subside. For the better part of the flight, I laid my head in P's lap as he soothingly stroked the side of my face. I couldn't really enjoy the flight, but between sipping ginger ale to combat my nausea and Noah occasionally walking over to kiss my forehead, I started to feel somewhat better once we landed.

"This is your captain speaking, we will be landing in sunny Nassau, Bahamas in five minutes. For your safety, please buckle up."

Shedding the cardigan draped on my shoulders, the warmth soaking into my skin as I stepped off the plane felt so good. To escape the crisp winter of Minnesota was a godsend. I couldn't thank P enough for taking us on this impromptu vacation.

Zooming down the winding island roads, I couldn't help but take in the never-ending sky high palm trees. Observing mountains from afar, I couldn't wait to get out and explore the island and be amongst nature. But in that moment, all I could think about was where a comfortable bed was.

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