Love Like Jazz

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Prince's Perspective


That's what I've been experiencing since I've been in Spain. The atmosphere and people over here are a complete contrast compared to back home. That's why I chose to buy a villa for Mayte in Marbella so that we could escape. I needed this time to get away from it all before I start touring again.

Laid out on the cream-colored sofa in our sunroom, Mayte's heel clacked against the pristine-white tile disrupting my meditation. "Honey, I was going to go into town. You should join me, it's such a beautiful day."

Not opening my eyes, I nonchalantly reply back. "No, I'm fine you go ahead."

"Alright, I'll be back later. Tell Constance to make sure to take Bella for her walk. I love you honey." I waited for the sound of the door clicking before I shifted my position on the couch.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't fallen completely out of love with Mayte but its obvious elements of intimacy in our marriage has been lost, and I think I found it in Jasmin.

These days, I'm not rocking my wedding band and I've filed for legal separation, but Mayte's still holding on. Although she's never tried to change me, I feel like sometimes she's not as accepting of my behaviors and quirks.

Some things I find are not as easy to talk about with her. Case in point, I've never followed an organized religion but Mayte was raised Catholic. So when I talk to her about religious discussions I've had with Larry Graham, who is like a big brother to me, it goes in one ear and out the other with her.

On the other hand, Jasmin always attended a Nondenominational church and has people of different denominations in her family. We've had long conversations about religion before, her uncle even goes to the same Kingdom Hall as Larry!

A year ago, if you would've told me that Jasmin would be instrumental in my life, I would've laughed in your face.

Although I thought Jasmin had really good conversation at first, I couldn't get over who her sister was. When I first saw her, I was considering charming her out of her thong and adding her to my pussy collection just like I did Morgan. But after I got to know her better, I realized she was nothing like her sister.

I could tell Jasmin's soul was in sync with mine. Once we became closer, sex never really crossed my mind when it came to her. Hell, at one point Jasmin suggested I needed to do more to work on my marriage. But I couldn't deny how stunning this girl was. Not for one second do I regret us becoming involved sexually.

On the contrary, ever since March I've found myself comparing Mayte to how Jazz is in the sheets. Granted, I'm the only man Mayte's ever been with but come on now, me and her have been going at it since she was 18. I thought she would've picked up some black-belt level tricks by now.

Hell at first, I thought Jazz was a shy little thang but she's a freak, Im impressed. Jazz would probably let me hit outside on the top of my BMW if i put on my best sad puppy dog face.

Having not seen Jazz since late May, I feel guilty for not giving her as much of my time. With the seven hour time difference and the fact that she has been going out of town a lot, its hard for us to stay in touch.

Although that night we shared together at my lake house brought us emotionally closer, the times we've spoken on the phone since then (particularly since the beginning of July), I feel like she's become more distant.

She also had this bright idea that we refrain from sex for a while...what has she been smoking? I mean granted we are going to be apart from each other for most of the rest of the year. But when we do see each other, I would love to be intimate with her. It's not just sex for me, it's about having a deeper spiritual connection where our two souls can go on an ecstasy-filled journey.

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