Chapter 33

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Corey's pov:
"Alright, listen up boys. I'm the captain of this ship." I said causing all the guys to laugh.
"Settle down rook, settle down." Clayton said even though he knew I hated being called "rook" still.
"I'm not a rook anymore, why do you guys keep calling me that?" I asked confused.
"That name will just stick to you forever, so just stop trying." Adrian said laughing.
I shrug it off and began to get back on track with what my announcement.
"Anyways, so you guys all know that Alanni and I are getting married next month. Well, Alanni has picked out her six bridesmaids, and I have chosen my six groomsmen. So I have the list here in my hands, but I have not picked my best man." I said looking at the paper with six names on it.
"We all know I am going to be your best man." Trayce said confident.
"No bro, it's me." Joc said sounding butthurt.
"It could be neither of you if you guys don't shut up." Chase said throwing his water at them.
"He's right, but let me say the six names and then I'll let you guys know the twist." I said with a smirk.
"So the six guys I have chosen is...... Justin..." I said as the guys cheered him on.
"Jose" (I'm crying rn)
"And last but not least, Lani's brother Ethan, but he already knows that."

"Corey, how are you choosing your best man then?" Yaz asked as he was re-lacing his glove.
"Good question, well I'm not. Since we are all athletes, and love competition.... They will be competing against each other in the best man olympics." I said earning cheers from all the guys.
"What exactly does a best man do?" Kiké asked confused as always.
"Reason #1 why you won't win." Trayce said causing me to laugh.
"Kiké, you have homework tonight. Go home and look it up." I said causing him to turn red in embarrassment. "Anyways, for the rest of you 34, I still want you involved."
"Now how will you do that? Which one of us is going to be the flower girl?" Puig said as he flipped his non existing hair. 
"No, Lani would kill me." I said laughing. "So, each one of you have a strip of paper in your hands, correct?" I asked looking around as they all nodded their heads.
"Okay cool, you five give me your papers." I said to the five chosen ones.
"This is how it's going down,.." said a girl voice entering the locker room.
I turned around and it was Alanni with little Elle. She was wearing this beautiful outfit that she should probably not be wearing around all the guys, but I was diggin it.
"Hey love." she said kissing my lips.
"Hey beautifuls." I said then kissing Elle on the forehead.
"Okaayyy best friend I see you!" Joc said hugging Lani.
"Bro, let her breathe. Don't make me replace you already, stay away from my lady." I said causing him to raise his hands in defense.
"I'll take his place." Clayton said raising his hand.
"Damn Clay, I thought you had my back." Joc said offended.
"Wait you still haven't explained it all?" Lani asked me.
"Take over Lans, your boy is taking too long. That's the reason we still call him rook." Yaz said causing me to laugh.
"Alright it's simple and easy, well not for the competitors. So each of you that have a piece of paper in your hands... You must come up with an obstacle of challenge you would like to see the boys compete in. There will be a total of 6 rounds, hence the 6 guys. So which ever guy ends up with the most points, end up being Corey's best man. Be creative, but don't make it easy. Make it funny and entertaining. All slips will be due before warm up at tomorrow's game. Must turn it into me!" Any questions text me or Layla. Don't text Corey!"
"Why can't they text or ask me?" I asked confused on this part.
"Well, you're not very good at explaining things." she said laughing.
"Alright, I'll admit. Well does everyone get it?" I asked the guys and they all either nodded their heads or answered yes.
After that was all over, we started our practiced and got a good workout before tomorrow's game.
Lani's pov:
"Babe! Do you know where my windbreaker is? I can't find it anywhere." I asked going crazy looking for it.
I was now living in the new house with Layla, Corey, Trayce, Joc, Crystal, and Ethan.
The house we are now in is much bigger and has a big backyard. This is like a dream house, getting to live with your best friends and their boyfriends. We are our own family and I wouldn't want it any other way.
"No lans, where did you have it last?" Corey answered calmly while I'm freaking out.
"Hey Lani, can you bathe Elle for me please. Oh and Trayce said we leave in an hour and a half." Layla said handing Elle over to me. As she's handing Elle over to me, I see what she is wearing and it's my windbreaker.
"Hey, who said you can take things out of my closet and wear them?" I said pointing at my jacket on her.
"This is yours? It looks cute on me doesn't it?" She said totally avoiding what I just asked.
"Yes it's mine, and I need it for today's game so hand it over."
"Fine" she said as she handed it over.
"Go get ready and I'll get princess clean and cute." I said pushing Layla out the door.
"Come on princess, let's get you cleaned up." I said causing Elle to smile showing off her little granny looking gums.
I undressed her and wrapped her ladybug robe around her little body as I walked her to the kitchen sink.

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