Chapter 39 part I

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(This chapter is very intense that it will be divided into two parts...)


Alani's pov:

"Okay okay, 1....2....3!" I yelled as the two of us pulled out the two mini Seager jersey's. Corey instantly cried tears of joy and held me in his arms.

"I love you so much Alani Seager. We are having twins!" Corey shouted as we held up the baby blue jersey and baby pink jersey. (Boy and a girl if you don't get it)

The cheers of excitement that came from all of our friends and family was overwhelming in the best way possible. The noises and echoes became shadowed out as my eyes locked with one person. That one person was Crystal. I know I should be excited to see her because she made it just in time, but she didn't look too good. Her eyes were red, her makeup was washed out, and she had dark circles beneath her eyes.
She noticed the eye lock we had and her eyes began to swell with tears and she let out her cries.
It seemed like nobody else was able to see her besides me, so I began to push my way towards her. It felt like it was taking forever just to get to her but when I finally did she ran into my arms and cried. I embraced her in a string hug, still unaware of what was wrong so I walked her into the house and up to my room.

"I'm all ears Crystal, so when you're ready, talk to me." I softly whispered.
I wiped away the tears from streaming along her face, and tucked away the hairs behind her ears.

"He's going to leave me Lani." She cried in between breaths.

"Why would he do that? Did something happen between you two?" I questioned confused.
Joc soon walked in with a bottle of water.

"Did you cheat on her!?" I assumed.

"What? No, why would I do that?" Joc answered confused.

"No, Lani." Crystal said trying to interrupt, but I wasn't having it.

"Then why the fuck did she say that you're gonna leave her?" I questioned.

"She said that?" Joc asked as he put the bottle down and walked towards her.

"It's true. You're not going to have a future with me." Crystal sobbed into his chest and he tried to hold her.

"What is she talking about Joc?" I asked again.

"I can't carry a baby. Ever, I will never be able to give Joc a child." She cried. "And when I walked out to the backyard and saw you and Corey announcing that you're going to have beautiful twins, I broke down. I will never get to have that. I'm just asking for one child and I can't have that, and you get to have two."

I couldn't get mad at what she was saying because I knew it was from anger and envy with the situation she was getting put through. I can't get mad because I could never imagine the pain and heartache she is feeling right now. I will never understand how things work sometimes, but if anyone deserves the chance to have a kid, it's Crystal. She naturally has the affection and tender love for anyone in her life. She is the mother of our household, and is always the one to remind us when we are doing wrong.

"Crystal, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. Is there any other medical treatments you can do to make it possible? You know Corey and I are willing to help with anything we can." I said trying to find ways to help.

"Don't you think we've already tried. This appointment was our last chance." She yelled.

"Why didn't you tell me about this Crystal?" I asked.

"NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT TO ALANI! I didn't want to take away from your perfect twin pregnancy!" She spat with complete anger. It was becoming hard to let her words affect me because I would never wish that upon someone.

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