Chapter 53

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    Y/N'S POV

  I slowly made my way into the living room, while Bruce did his best to keep me steady. Clark had to leave on behalf of Jimmy for an article he was working on. Clark really did not want to leave, but he picked Bruce to babysit me.
  I studied as Bruce looked so serious and gently nudged him. Bruce looked at me for a second, before he went back to resting his head back on the sofa. He looked really tired, if you asked me. How much sleep did he get? I bet it was not even believable.

  I nudged Bruce a few more times and Bruce chuckled saying,"Darling, please stop. I know what you are trying to do and it is not working very well. Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

  I shook my head, replying,"No, but thanks for your concern, Batman. You know you really did not have to stay, right? I can just tell Clark you had Gotham business to take care of..Bruce, I can handle myself."

  Bruce shook his head and smiled at me, saying,"It is all right, Y/N, really. I chose to come here and stay with you, because Clark told me you were a little clumsy and I needed to make sure you did not hurt yourself."

  I awwed and pinched Bruce's cheek, before he pushed my hand away and I yawned asking him,"Bruce, can you pass me that cover? The Nemo one.."

  Bruce let out a laugh and nodded, while I rolled my eyes and waited patiently for Bruce to give me the cover. Bruce did not give it to me; instead, he wrapped the covers around me himself and made sure I did not fall off the sofa.

  Bruce looked at his phone saying,"I need to take this call, Y/N. I will be right back."

  When Bruce went to get up, I grabbed his hand and pleaded to him,"Bruce, please stay. I..I do not want to be left alone. I know you are just going outside, but Clark is not here.."

  Tears formed in my eyes and I wanted to slap myself for my instant emotional self. Bruce immediately sat back down and rested his hand on my side, while he took his phone call and kept his focus in front of him.
  I took that time to examine Bruce and think about why Bruce always looked so serious? Of course, I knew about his parents, but I knew it had to be deeper than that. What made Bruce Bruce?

  I must have been staring, because Bruce laughed and asked me,"Y/N, is everything all right? I know that I am quite the looker, but you are with Clark. Though, I think we would make a pretty good team."

  I blushed in embarrassment and apologized to Bruce, before he waved it off and I said,"Bruce, stop hitting on me or I will tell Clark..Hey, Bruce you do realize I want you a part of this baby's life right?"

  Bruce's attention was now on me, instead of his phone call, before he hung up and looked at me in disbelief.

  Bruce said,"No, I did not realize that and after what happened in Metropolis, Y/N, I do not need to-"

  I put my hand over Bruce's and softly said,"Bruce, I would be honored to have Batman a part of this family and it is not just because of what you do. Bruce, you saved me plenty of times before and I am sure Clark would think the same about this. You will be my child's Uncle whether you want it or not...Please say yes.."

  Bruce smiled down at me and I saw what looked like tears forming in his eyes, before I pulled him in for a hug,"Aww, it is okay, Wayne. I am so glad you are okay with it. I will not tell Clark about the tears."

  Bruce just smiled bigger at me, before he let go of me and said,"I should get going, Y/N. Clark is upstairs."

  That must have been who Bruce was talking to. It would make sense..Bruce kissed my cheek, before he left and I turned to see Superman in front of me. Superman immediately embraced me and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

  I smiled and enjoyed his comfort, before I groaned saying,"Your child is quite the kicker."

  Superman chuckled and put his hand on my stomach, while I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his jaw.

  Superman picked me up and said,"Bedtime?"

  I giggled, but smiled saying,"Bedtime. Thanks for sending Bruce to watch me."

  Superman smiled back and gave me a kiss saying," Anytime, sweetheart. Anytime.."

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