chapter 15 ✨

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3 months later

I walked out to the stage to practice rehearsals for dancing. I learned mostly every dance. I was really excited to perform.

15 minutes later, I grabbed my water and sat on the stage. I was stretching into a middle spilt while they were warming up vocals. All of a sudden, I received a text from one of my gymnastic team members, Lauren.

Lauren : Hey! All of the gymnastics girls are going to a party tonight? You in?

I smiled knowing that they still at least thought of me. My smile disappeared once I realized they were 16-17 and I was 14. Lin wouldn't let me go.

Once the cast finished warming up, I walked over to Lin to ask him about the party.

"Hey D...Lin!" I keep almost calling him Dad.
"What's up Maddie?"
"Uh.. Can I go to a party?" I asked quietly.
He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "With who?"
"My old gymnastics gym. Everyone is going." I said
"Aren't they two years older than you?" He said, drinking his water.
"Uh .. Yes." I said
He sighed before speaking, "Fine. Just let me know what time and be home by 10:30." He said. My eyes widen. I was expecting him to say no. I ran back to my phone to text Lauren.

Me : Hey! I can go! What time?

Lauren : 8:00 pm?

Me : Okay!

Lauren : Alright! I will be picking you up at the theater right?

Me : Yesss!

I locked my phone running to my room to tell Lin the time when I'll be leaving. I looked at the time on my phone. 6:00pm. I decided to get ready. Since it was summer but it was late at night, I decided to wear shorts and a sweater. (A/N - outfit seen above) I did my simple makeup look. When I was finished, I heard the first chord the "Alexander Hamilton" indicating that the show was starting. I decided to chill on my phone until Lauren arrived.


I walked into the party seeing many people that were extremely older than me. I smelled alcohol and weed. I knew I shouldn't be here the minute I walked in. I wanted to go back. I wanted to see Lin again. Lauren pulled me over to some of the old team and handed me a drink.

"Look. I'm only 14. I don't need this." I said, pushing away the drink. She shrugged and took a drink herself.

5 hours later

I looked at my phone. I was talking to some people and all of the gymnast were showing our skills. I forgot about my phone.

When I looked at it, I saw 10 missed calls from Lin and so many text from the cast. I checked the time, completely freezing in my skin.


I ran out of the door pulling Lauren to drive me home. Luckily, She didn't drink as much so she was allowed to drive. I finally reached the theater, praying that Lin just fell asleep. I walked into my room, seeing the lights still on. I took a deep breath knowing I was going to get the worse lecture.

I walked into the room seeing Lin sitting at his desk looking stressed. He looked at me immediately standing up quickly.

"Where the hell have you been Maddie?!"

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