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Donna Way was walking down the street late at night home from work. She would've driven but her car was in the shop after it had broken down. It was late and she was tired, wanting nothing more than to go home, pay the babysitter, kiss her sons goodnight then go to sleep.

But she stopped when she heard the sound of a child crying quietly. She followed the wails into a dark alleyway. Behind a dumpster, she found a small boy. His dark brown hair was a little grown out and dirty. He was shaking, both from the cold and from how much he was crying. He had on just some dirty, blue jeans and a holey white t-shirt. The small kid was clutching a dirty panda bear stuffed animal to his chest.

"Hello?" Donna asked softly, kneeling in front of him.

The boy opened his eyes, crying stopping momentarily as he looked at the lady. He had these green eyes that Donna thought were just beautiful, like it made him look even more fragile.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"F-Frankie," the boy whispered.

"How old are you?" She questioned.

"I-I'm three," he said, although it sounded more like 'free' from how he pronounced it.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked. "Where's your mommy or daddy?"

"D-don't have Mama or daddy," Frank said.

"How long have you been here?" Donna asked.

Frank furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to think. "S-six years."

Donna couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Sweetheart, you're only three years old," she said.

Frank looked confused. The poor boy just couldn't quite wrap his head around how years worked.

"Do you have a home?" She asked.

Frank shook his head and she sighed. She was pretty sure the kid was too old to be dropped off at the fire station.

"Wh-who are you?" Frank asked.

"I'm Donna," she said.

Her next idea was taking him to the police station. But then Frank looked up at her with his big green eyes as he sniffled.

"Y-you gonna be my Mama?" He squeaked.

Donna's heart couldn't help but break at that. She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"I can take you home with me," she offered. "I'll give you food and a nice, warm bed to sleep in."

Frank nodded slowly and Donna picked him up. He was really small, she noticed. Thin too, much smaller than her other kids have been. He must not eat much, if at all.

"Mama," Frank whispered quietly.

He liked the kind, warm touch Donna had. It was soft and gentle, unlike any other way people have always treated him. He rested his head on her shoulder as he started to doze off. He was usually too scared to sleep in the streets but he felt so safe in her arms.

Donna stepped into the warm house when she got home, Frank sleeping quietly in her arms. She handed cash to the babysitter, who was eager to get home after having to take care of two young boys.

"Mommy!" Small voices cheered.

There was the little pitter patters of feet as Donna's children came running in. They stopped short when they saw the boy in their mom's arms.

"Hey, Frank," Donna whispered, shaking the boy lightly.

He picked his head up and looked around. Donna set him on his feet and he hid behind her leg when he saw the two other boys.

"Frank, these are my sons, that's Mikey and Gerard," she said. "Boys, this is Frank, he's gonna be staying with us."

Frank peeked out and looked at the other kids. One of them was older and a bit taller than the other but they both looked similar.

"Hi, Frankie," Gerard said.

Frank squeaked in fear, hugging Donna's leg. Donna picked him up again and Frank held onto her tight.

"How about let's get you to bed," she said. "Mikey, he's gonna sleep in your bed tonight until we can get him his own. You can sleep in Gerard's bed with him."

Mikey nodded as they watched him. Mikey was the same age as Frank and Gerard just two years older. They were both confused about why the boy was gonna be staying with them as they watched their mom carry him up the stairs.

Frank looked around the room at the toys littered around the floor. His eyes couldn't help but widen in excitement. He loved toys but all he's got is his little panda bear stuffie, who he named Turtle. Odd name for a panda but that was one of the only words he could say when he was younger.

"Good night, sweetheart," Donna said as she tucked him into his bed.

She kissed his forehead and walked out, shutting the door behind her. Frank smiled and snuggled up in the warm bed, falling asleep quickly.

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