Chapter 10

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Dear Percocet, I Don't Think We Should See Each Other Anymore is such I good song I wanna die


Gerard and I were cuddled up on the couch watching cartoons and kissing occasionally. There was a knock on the door and I looked up. Gerard got up to answer it and I followed close behind.

"Hey," Dallon said. "I haven't heard from you in a while, Frankie, I was worried."

"He won't be seeing you anymore," Gerard stated, standing in front of me.

"And why not?" Dallon asked, crossing his arms.

"Because you're a fucking dick," he stated. "Get lost and don't bother him again."

"C'mon, baby?" Dallon asked.

I peeked around Gerard and Dallon looked sad. I couldn't help it as I ran forward and gave him a hug. When I glanced up, I saw him smirking at Gerard as he wrapped his arms around me. But I stepped away and he frowned.

"I don't think I can see you anymore but I don't wanna see you sad," I said quietly.

"Why the fuck not?" He asked. "I love you, Frankie."

My eyes widened as I whimpered.

"Y-you do?" I asked. "Oh, Dallon."

I hugged him tight and he held my hand.

"C'mon, baby, let's go," he said.

We walked to his car and I heard Gerard slam the door shut angrily. I winced, sitting in the car. Dallon drove off quickly and I whimpered. He drove somewhere I didn't recognize and we pulled up to a spot in some field secluded by woods that overlooked a pretty pond.

"It's so pretty," I mumbled.

I was still so sad and I kept thinking about Gerard. But Gerard is my best friend, what if I ruin us? If I choose Gerard over Dallon then Dallon will hate me and then Gerard won't be my best friend anymore and then no one will love me.

"Come here, baby," Dallon said.

I moved over the console awkwardly to straddle his hips. He smirked up at me and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was heated and rough as he pulled my body closer to his. I could feel the semi in his jeans pressing against me as I whimpered.

His hips rocked up to grind against mine. Dallon kissed my neck, sucking roughly on the skin as I whined. His hands kneaded my ass as we ground together. He unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans and boxers down around his thighs.

"D-do you really love me?" I asked.

"Would I lie to you?" He asked.

I shook my head and he smirked.

If he really loves me then I guess I can give my virginity to him.

Dallon spat on his hand and rubbed it over his erection. He pushed my panties aside and I whimpered as I positioned myself over him. I sank down slowly and cried out from the pain of the stretch.

My hands held onto his shoulders as I stopped. Dallon grabbed my hips and pulled me down all the way. I screamed softly from the pain, tears running down my face. Dallon rocked up into me as I moaned and I cried.

I thought sex was supposed to feel better than this. Dallon moaned, holding my hips as he rocked up into me. I gasped, burying my face into the crook of his neck. I moved up and down on him as the pain started to subside.

But it still didn't really feel that good as the car shook lightly. It did feel kinda good but not like what I was expecting. Oh god but then Dallon hit this spot inside me that made me cry out in pleasure.

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