Chapter 6

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The new cover's so much better I love the buttons in the background of it


I cried as I woke up, feeling a pounding in my head.

"Hey, Button," Gerard said softly.

He rubbed my back and I buried my face into the pillow as I sobbed.

"It hurts," I whimpered.

"I know, baby, take some medicine," he said.

He helped me sit up and he handed me some medicine. I swallowed them with the help of the apple juice in the sippy cup he gave me. My head rested on his shoulder while I moaned in pain.

"Come on, Button, get some rest," Gerard whispered.

"Cuddle me," I mumbled.

"I thought only friends cuddled," he said.

"But these are not-friend cuddles," I said.

I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and he smiled. Gerard cuddled me and I buried my face into his shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair and I sighed in content.

We stayed like this for a while until my headache finally went away. My stomach growled and I whined quietly.

"Gerard, my tummy's hungry," I said.

He smiled and got up. I followed him downstairs to the kitchen. He poured two bowls of cereal for us and I smiled. The two of us ate quietly and he cleaned up the dishes.

"You wanna go watch some cartoons, Button?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded but then scowled again

"Nuh-uh, I'm not your friend," I denied.

Gerard came forward and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek. The nice touch made my heart spin but I shook my head.

"Not my friend," i denied, crossing my arms.

I got up and went up to my room, shutting the door.

"Oh, Turtle, what do we do now?" I asked.

I picked up the little panda stuffie and sighed as I laid down.

"Maybe Dallon can play today," I said.

I sighed, turning over and curling into a ball.

"Ooh, or the sandbox!" I cheered.

I got up and went outside to the backyard. There was an old little wooden playset we got when we were little. There was also a swing set with two swings and a sandbox. I set Turtle on the grass outside of the sandbox. I learned my lesson last time when I put him in the box with me and he got so dirty.

I played with the toys, building a big sandcastle. But then I was so bored. Usually I play with Gerard and he makes up so many fun games for me. I grabbed Turtle and went over to the window. Inside I saw Gerard sitting on the couch watching tv. His eyes glanced up at me and I ducked down quickly. The window above me opened and I whimpered as I looked up at Gerard.

"Hey there, Button, wanna watch cartoons?" He asked.

I nodded slowly and Gerard smiled. I stood up and he held my hand, helping me climb through the window. We sat on opposite ends of the couch as we watched tv. Mom walked in and smiled at us.

"We are going to one of my charity events today," my mom said.

Gerard groaned and I sighed. The charity events were ran by the company she works for. The families and friends of workers were to come too. They weren't forced, but the more the better. It was fancy and boring and there was nothing to do there.

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