Chapter 11

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I ever write Frank when I'm supposed to write Gerard or vice versa just ignore it


I whimpered as Gerard handed me the phone.

"B-but I don't wanna hurt his feelings," I whimpered.

He raised his eyebrows and I dialed the number sadly and put it on speaker.

"Hey, baby, what's up?" Dallon asked.

I whimpered at looked at Gerard, who wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I-I don't think we can see each other anymore," I whispered.

"Is this because of your asshole of a brother?" He asked.

"You're the fucking asshole," Gerard spat. "You treat Frankie like absolute shit. I bet you took his virginity in some fucking alley next to a dumpster."

"Um, fuck you, it was in the front seat of my car," Dallon said and Gerard scoffed. "Is that what's wrong, Frankie? Do you want rose petals and candles? Because I can do that if you fucking want to."

I sniffled, burying my face into Gerard's shoulder.

"He's not gonna be seeing you again," Gerard stated.

"Fine, whatever," he said.

The line went dead and I cried as he rubbed my back.

"Hey, Button, it's okay, don't cry," Gerard whispered.

"He didn't love me," I cried. "B-but I had my first time with him, it was supposed to be special with someone I love."

"Baby boy, it's okay," he muttered. "Because you know what, he's gone now and you won't have to put up with him or his friends ever again. You'll be safe in my arms where I will love you and protect you."

His arms wrapped around me and he showered my face in kisses. Gerard wiped away my tears and smiled, kissing my forehead and I gave him a weak smile.

"There we go," he mumbled. "My precious little Button."

I blushed and Gerard kept rubbing my back gently. If it were Dallon, his hand would've been far lower by now.

"Now, we've gotta go to another one of those shitty charity events again tonight," Gerard said. "Do you think you're up to it? I can tell mom that you're not feeling well so she'll probably let us stay home so you can get better before our trip and I can take care of you."

"No, it's okay," I said quietly.

I sniffled and he kissed my forehead.

"You're better off without him," Gerard said. "You have me now."

"Yeah," I mumbled.

I was glad to have Gerard now but I didn't wanna hurt Dallon's feelings. I hate being mean, after watching Gerard get bullied a lot in high school I don't like making anyone sad like how sad they made Gerard.

"Alright, Button, now do you wanna cuddle up and watch cartoons until we have to get ready to leave?" He suggested.

I nodded and Gerard carried me to the couch. I curled up in his lap and I smiled. Gerard turned on some cartoons and I smiled happily. We watched for a while and Gerard got me snacks until we eventually had to get ready. I put on a pretty pink dress and Gerard just wore black jeans and a black button up.

We got into the car and drove somewhere. It was in a different building this time and I gasped when I looked out the window and saw pens full of puppies all of the grass. I shrieked happily and my mom laughed.

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