Chapter 15

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I wore my onesie as I jumped on the bed and giggled happily. Gerard searched through his bag and found my paci, which he had packed with his stuff for safe keeping. I crawled into his lap as he sat on the bed and put the paci in my mouth.

"Feeling cuddly, Button?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded.

"Feeling weally wittle," I said with a giggle.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I curled up in the blanket and smiled happily. Gerard smiled and laid beside me, not trying to take the blanket from me. Good, I wasn't gonna give it to him if he tried. I was so warm and comfortable. He wrapped his arms around me and around the blanket too.

It was raining and cold outside so we've just been here all day. My mom went out to grab some pizza while Mikey was downstairs with our grandparents.

"Let's watch videos of cute wittle baby animals," I said, reaching for his laptop.

Gerard smiled and grabbed my wrist.

"C'mon, let's go downstairs with the others," he suggested. "We don't see grandma and grandpa too often, we can watch videos later."

I sighed, but wasn't all that disappointed.

"Carry me?" I asked.

Gerard picked me up, blanket and all and carried me downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen just talking. That's what I liked about my grandparents, they were really easy to talk to. They were so nice and caring and understanding about everything.

"Hey, boys," grandma said.

We sat at the counter next to Mikey and smiled.

"We were talking about possibly getting a dog," Mikey said.

I gasped and nodded. "I love puppies so much, I really wanna get Bela."

"Your mom used to have a dog too, she got him for her ninth birthday," grandpa said. "She was so excited."

"I love puppies," I muttered. "Do you have ice cream?"

My grandpa opened the freezer and handed me an ice cream sandwich. I giggled happily and took a bite, holding it out to Gerard so he can take a bite too. He took a bite but let me eat the rest of it.

"So, Frankie, I heard you have a boyfriend," grandma said.

My eyes widened as Gerard and I glanced at each other.

"This Dallon boy?" Grandma asked. "Your mother told me about him, says he's a sweetheart."

Gerard's jaw clenched slightly and I knew he was upset again.

"They aren't dating anymore," Gerard stated. "Frank broke up with him because he was an asshole."

"Oh, well I didn't hear that part of the story," Grandma said. "Does your mother even know you two broke up?"

I shrugged my shoulders and she smiled softly.

"Why was he an ass?" She asked.

I looked down sadly, eating my ice cream.

"He was just a jerk to Frankie and he would just lie and be a complete fucking jerk," Gerard said and I could tell he was getting more angry.

I held onto his hand and he squeezed it tight.

"Well, that's a shame," Grandma said. "Too bad for him, he just lost out on the best boy in the world. No offense Gerard and Mikey."

I blushed, smiling softly. I still felt bad though, I didn't wanna make Dallon sad. I don't like it when people are mean because people used to always be mean to Gerard and it made me so upset. Sometimes they would even be mean to me too and it hurt so much.

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