Chapter 2

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Happy Chinese New Years


"Which dress do you like better, Gee?" I asked.

"Why's it matter?" Gerard replied. "If this Dallon kid actually likes you then it shouldn't matter what you wear."

I pouted because Gerard sounded crabby again.

"Gee," I whined. "Just tell me which dress I look prettier in."

Gerard sighed quietly and looked at the two options. One was a dark blue dress with white polka dots and a thin brown belt around the waist. The other was light purple and lace.

"Button, you look beautiful in both of them," he said.

"That doesn't help me," I complained.

"Frank, it doesn't matter what you wear," Gerard said.

I whimpered and looked down at my feet. "Frank? What about Button? You always call me Button. At least use Frankie."

"Come here, baby," Gerard said.

I went over and sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm just nervous about you going on this date," he said. "I don't want him to hurt you. And if he does hurt you then I'll hurt him."

I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"Wear the blue dress," Gerard said after a moment of silence. "It makes your pretty eyes stand out."

I smiled and got up to change into the dress. I put on a pair of brown flats and made sure my hair looked okay. Gerard was the one who actually did my hair. I was originally gonna grow mine out like his but it was too long and it annoyed me. I said he could cut it however he wanted to. He dyed it black at my request and made it so I had this fringe that swooped across my forehead and down and was a little curly at the end. He then spiked up the back of it and I loved my hair so much.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked.

"To the movies," I said.

"A lot can happen in the dark," he mumbled.

I looked over at him with wide eyes.

"Do you think he's gonna try and kiss me?" I asked excitedly.

"He better not," Gerard said.

I pouted at him and he sighed.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Dallon is nice," I stated. "Maybe once we start going on dates more you can meet him too."

Gerard just pursed his lips and I went downstairs, hearing him following behind me.

"Oh, your first date," my mom cooed. "Have fun, sweetheart."

I smiled, glad that someone was finally being happy for me. Gerard was just pouting in the corner and Mikey didn't care all that much.

"Thanks, mom," I said.

The doorbell rang and I squeaked in fear. Oh god, what if he doesn't like me. I went over and opened the door, noticing the way my mom and Gerard stood a bit away to watch.

Dallon stood in front of me and he looked so nice. He had just a black button up shirt with black skinny jeans and black shoes.

"You look beautiful, Frankie," he said.

I giggled and blushed, stepping out with him. We went to his car and I sat nervously, my hands in my lap as I looked out the window.

"Thanks for agreeing to go on this date with me," he said.

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