Chapter 17

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P!ATD yesterday was so good and I was so close to the stage and I took this picture and it's not the best quality but I think brendon looks so pretty, it's my phone background now and it's the first time in a year that frank iero hasn't been my background


I hurried up to my room to find Gerard sitting at the desk. I plopped myself down on his lap and he raised his eyebrows curiously.

"What's up, Button?" He asked.

"I got my report card," I said, holding it up to him proudly. "2 As and 4 Bs."

Gerard looked at it and smiled.

"Good job, baby boy," he said. "That tutor really helped then, huh?"

I smiled and nodded. I wasn't the smartest of kids and I knew that, things were just so hard to understand. I used to get Cs and Ds. My counselor said maybe it was harder for me to understand things because I was neglected when I was little, she introduced me to a tutor who was so nice and would teach me things in a way I could understand them.

"Go put it on the fridge, baby," Gerard said. "I'm proud of you."

He gave me a kiss and I smiled happily. I ran down, sticking my report card to the fridge with a magnet before going back to sit on Gerard's lap.

"I just finished a new comic book for you," he said.

I gasped and picked it up.

"Does it have Ouija Man in it?" I asked hopefully. "He's my favorite."

"I changed Ouija Man's name," Gerard said. "He's the Seance now."

I pouted quietly. "I don't like it, it makes him sound mean."

"Well, what if the villains are hunting down Ouija Man so he had to change his name?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It sounds...menacing."

"Or powerful," Gerard countered. "I think I like the Seance better."

I put the comic book down and sighed.

"I'm gonna read it later," I said. "I want kissies now."

Gerard smiled, pressing his lips against mine. He pulled me close and i whimpered. I moved so I was straddling his hips.

"C'mon, baby, you need to eat," Gerard said suddenly, pulling away. "Mom will have my head on a platter if I don't feed you."

Both mom and Mikey were out so it was just the two of us home. Gerard held my hand and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Ice cream," I said.

"No, you need some real food," Gerard denied. "How about a sandwich and some grapes?"

"Ice cream," I repeated.

"You want peanut butter and jelly or Nutella?" He asked.

I pouted, crossing my arms. "No sandwich. Only ice cream."

"Button, c'mon," Gerard said. "You can't eat ice cream all the time."

I sat down on the floor with my back to him as I crossed my arms.

"Baby, get up," Gerard said. "You need food."

I shook my head, not looking back.

"Frank," Gerard stated.

I whimpered but didn't move.

"Frank, daddy's telling you to do something," he said.

I ignored him, my bottom lip jutting out. He picked me up and I whimpered as he carried me upstairs. He set me down and sat on his bed.

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