Chapter 20

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I went to get out of the car when my grandpa stopped me. I've had so much fun this weekend. I've gone over every week and I was sad because the summer was almost over.

"Frankie, we wanted to ask you something," my grandpa said.

I looked at them curiously and they all had big smiles on their faces.

"We were wondering if you would move in with us?" My aunt asked.

I felt my heart stop for a moment as I stared at all of them in shock.

"R-really?" I squeaked.

"Yeah, Frankie, we love you and we want to be able to spend more time with you before you go off to college," my grandpa said.

"Oh, it'll be so fun," Clarissa said. "We can paint our nails all the time and do each other's makeup."

"I-I don't know," I whimpered nervously.

I loved them so much and I always had so much fun with them. But I also loved my family here in Belleville. I don't want one family to think I don't love them just because I choose the other.

"We aren't expecting an answer right now," my grandpa said with a small chuckle. "You take all the time you need, talk it over with your family."

I nodded, grabbing my bag as I got out of the car. Gerard always waits for me by the front door when I come home to give me a big hug. But today he didn't give me a hug when he saw the look on my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, holding my hand.

"They asked me to move in with them," I whispered.

A looked flashed across his face before he quickly blinked it away. Was he hurt or happy? If I knew then it'd be easier to make a decision.

"Baby boy, that's great!" He cheered.

I shrugged, my eyes watering.

"What's wrong?" Gerard asked.

"I-I don't know what to do," I whimpered. "What do I do?"

Gerard sighed quietly, pulling me into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Button, I can't make this decision for you," he said.

Sniffled quietly and we sat down on the couch.

"Where's mom and Mikey?" I asked.

"They're at a charity thing again," Gerard said. "I stayed home so I could be here when you got here."

I nodded, resting my head against his shoulder sadly.

"I don't like making big boy decisions," I said.

"Then how about we go play dress up instead," Gerard suggested.

I gasped and picked my head up as I nodded. I loved playing dress up with Gerard but he only played with me when I was really sad about something. It's so much fun and I think Gerard has fun too, even though he tries to hide it.

I pulled his hand and dragged him upstairs. I grabbed my dress that was at the back of my closet. I had ordered it online a while ago but it ended up coming too big, although I found out it fit Gerard and that made me so happy. It was pastel pink with spaghetti straps and white polka boys.

Gerard took off his clothes to just his boxers, putting on the dress. He pulled a face at his reflection in the mirror as he sat down in the desk chair. I giggled happily, grabbing my makeup bag. I straddled his hips, opening the bag.

"Daddy, stop scrunching up your face," I said as I brushed some powder onto his nose.

Gerard sneezed and I giggled.

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