Chapter 7

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Gerard and I walked around the mall as I held his hand. We were looking at clothes in the store when I heard snickers behind us. I turned and saw some people from school. They aren't in my grade, they were in Gerard's so they already graduated. But they were always so mean to Gerard.

"Oh look, if it isn't Peter Pan and Peter Trans," one remarked.

I hated it when they called us that. They used to call Gerard Peter Pan because he played Peter in a play, but when Gerard came out as pansexual it got a whole new meaning. And then they called me Peter Trans. Peter because I was always like a mini version of Gerard and following him around, and trans because I like to wear skirts and dresses. But I hate it because I'm not transgender. And I hate it because I don't want Gerard getting made fun of just because he loves everyone.

"C'mon, high school's over, haven't you three grown up yet?" Gerard asked.

They rolled their eyes and I whimpered, hugging Gerard's arm.

"I see you still have your little pet," the tall one said.

"He's not a pet," Gerard denied bitterly. "He's my brother."

"Well, doesn't really seem like it," the person said. "More like a bitch in heat."

"Hey, leave him alone, he didn't do anything to you," Gerard said.

"Wh-what's it mean?" I asked.

"Nothing," Gerard said.

"It means you want to suck his dick," the tall one said.

I whimpered and shook my head.

"Just leave us alone," Gerard said. "High school is over, grow up already."

"Remember in high school when you used to be all fat and stuff?" One of the guys asked. "God, you were so ugly. You still are. Little fat shit."

I started crying and Gerard rubbed my back.

"Wh-why would you say such mean things to him?" I cried.

"Oh, Button, it's okay, don't cry," Gerard whispered.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and we left the store.

"Y-you're not ugly or fat," I sobbed as we sat at a bench. "You're so pretty."

Gerard hugged me and I buried my face into his shoulder.

"I know, baby," he whispered. "Don't cry, Button, it's okay. What those stupid guys say doesn't matter."

I sniffled as he kissed the top of my head.

"There we go, Button, no more tears," he whispered.

"I-I don't like it when they b-bully you," I hiccuped.

"I know you don't but you've just gotta ignore it, okay?" Gerard asked. "Every word that comes from their mouth is just plain stupidity."

I sniffled and nodded.

"There we go," he whispered. "See? All better now. Now, let's go get you some ice cream, yeah?"

I nodded my head and he smiled. Gerard got up and held my hand as we went down to the ice cream shop. On our way, we happened to run into Dallon and Pete.

"Dallon!" I exclaimed.

I ran up and hugged him, giving him a big kiss.

"Hey there, baby, I missed you," he said.

I giggled and blushed as Gerard stepped up and he did not look happy.

"We were just about to go get ice cream," he said. "So I guess he'll see you later."

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