Chapter 13

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So kinda shitty chapter but oh well


I whined, kicking the back of Mikey's seat.

"I told you to stop!" Mikey yelled.

"Boys!" My mom shouted.

"I'm bored!" I whined.

"Well, stop kicking my fucking seat!" Mikey shouted.

"Michael," mom scolded.

I burst into tears and Gerard tried to calm me down. We were all sort of crawling up the walls, to say the least. We left the motel early this morning because my mom wanted to drive straight into California. It would take seven hours but we'd be there by two in the afternoon. So far, we've been driving for six hours.

"Don't cry, button," Gerard whispered.

I sniffled, hugging him tight. Gerard and I were in the backseat, Mikey was in the middle row, and my mom was driving.

"Hey, Button, you wanna color?" He asked.

"B-but I don't have a coloring book anymore," I sobbed.

There had been an unfortunate accident on day one of driving to California. I had one of those milks from mcdonalds but since it doesn't have a lid, I ended up spilling it all over my coloring book.

"Here, I'll draw you a picture that you can color in," Gerard offered.

He grabbed his notebook and a black marker, drawing an outline of a dog. A sniffled and used my crayons to color it in.

"Only twenty more minutes," mom announced.

"Finally," Mikey grumbled.

I continued coloring and when I finished that Gerard drew me another picture. Finally, we pulled up outside the house and we smiled. Grandma and grandpa was waiting out on the front porch for us. I climbed out quickly and ran up.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" I exclaimed.

They laughed and I gave them both big hugs. The others followed, giving them both hugs.

"We have gifts for you," Grandma said.

My eyes widened excitedly as I clapped my hands.

"They can have them after they help get the stuff from the car," mom said.

I pouted but helped to bring everything in and set them in the foyer. Grandma and grandpa always get gifts for us and I love it so much.

"Alright, Frankie, you can go first," grandma said.

I smiled happily, taking the white box with the lavender colored bow on it. I took off the lid and smiled when I saw a pretty light blue dress, one that was thin and summery.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, giving them both hugs.

Grandma was actually the one that got me into wearing dresses. Before Mikey was born, they originally thought he was gonna be a girl. Grandma had gotten really excited about that and bought a bunch of cute little girl outfits. But when they found out Mikey was gonna be a boy, they didn't throw them out in case my mom had another child and it was girl. But then Gerard and Mikey's dad left. But I came soon after that.

It had just been more of a joke at first, they put me and Mikey in the dresses my grandma and bought. They thought we were adorable with our pretty frilly pink dresses and bows in our hair. Mikey didn't like it because then he couldn't wrestle with Gerard as easily because the skirt would get in the way or he would flash everyone. But I absolutely loved the dresses, they made me feel so pretty.

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