Chapter 19

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I hurried into the house as soon as my grandpa dropped me off. I ran upstairs and it was just past noon but Gerard was still sleeping. I jumped on top of him and he groaned.

"Daddy," I whined, shaking him.

Gerard wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down as he buried his face into the crook my neck. I giggled, pulling the blanket up to our chins. He sighed quietly, relaxing as he fell asleep again.

"Daddy," I whispered. "Why are you still sleeping?"

"I stayed up all night to finish your comic," he mumbled sleepily. "It's on the desk."

I gasped, going up to grab the comic. I sat against the headboard and Gerard laid his head on my lap. He fell asleep as I read it and smiled. Gerard ended up changing the name back to Ouija Man because I like it better.

"Morning, Button," Gerard mumbled a few hours later.

He leaned up, kissing my lips.

"Oh god, I need coffee," he grumbled.

He got up and I followed him downstairs, setting the comic down onto the desk. I sat at the counter while he sighed and made himself coffee.

"How was it, Button?" Gerard asked.

"It was great, they're all really nice," I said.

He smiled sleepily, sitting beside me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"I bet," Gerard said.

I smiled and nodded. I was still annoyed because he left me hanging yesterday. Gerard was always so kind and sweet and treated me like his little precious Button, but I wanted him to fuck me when he was all angry and upset.

"Daddy?" I asked.

"What's up, Button?" He asked.

He went up to pour his coffee into a mug then opened the fridge.

"You want some apple juice?" He asked.

I nodded and he poured some into my sippy cup. Gerard seemed to finally start waking up. He went upstairs and I was so close I was practically stepping on the backs of his feet. He sat at the desk and opened his laptop as I pouted.

I sat on the bed, finishing reading the comic. I added it to the stack under my bed and smiled happily. My collection was growing and one day I bet Gerard's gonna be famous for his comics and I'm gonna be the only one out of all his fans to have the originals.

"Daddy," I said, straddling his hips.

"What's up, baby boy?" He asked.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, Button," Gerard said. "So, what'd you do at your grandpa's house?"

"We had dinner and we all just talked for a while," I said. "And me and my cousin Clarissa stayed up until two in the morning talking. My dad and my grandpa played drums and he said he could teach me too. And for breakfast, before my grandpa woke up, my aunt Camila and me and Clarissa ice cream for breakfast."

Gerard laughed softly, shaking his head.

"Alright, sweetheart, let me work," he said, kissing my forehead.

I pouted, wrapping my arms around his neck as I hugged him tight. Gerard just worked around me and I groaned in annoyance.

"Daddy, pay attention to me," I whined.

"Later, Button," he said. "How about you go draw me a pretty picture?"

I scowled as I got up and walked behind him. I stripped my clothes, going back to straddle his hips.

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