Chapter 8

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I feel like it's weird but I always read my own stories more than I actually read other people's stories just because I genuinely enjoy my own stuff


Gerard had invited Lindsey over and I was all alone then, even if Gerard had said I could hang out with them. Since neither Mikey nor my mom was home to play with, I had invited Dallon. Gerard got mad at me for that but I ignored him.

We were currently sitting on the couch and Gerard and Lindsey was on the adjacent couch. She was showing him pictures she had taken in New York. His arm was around her shoulders as he kissed her cheek. I scowled at that, it made me mad. His kissies were for me only.

I leaned up and gave Dallon a big chaste kiss. I turned to glare at Gerard, who just looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I didn't wanna confuse him, I wanted to make him mad too. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned away.

"Do you need a nap, Button?" Gerard asked.

And then all eyes were on me and that made me even more upset. I tried my hardest not to but I could feel my lips quivering as I burst into tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Dallon asked.

"Gerard's being mean!" I cried.

"Wh--I'm not doing anything," Gerard denied.

"Yeah you are, you're being a meanie," I said.

I stood up and wiped away my tears angrily. I held Dallon's hand and pulled him upstairs, slamming my bedroom door shut.

"What'd he do?" Dallon asked.

"He's paying attention to Lindsey," I pouted.

"He's not allowed to pay attention to his girlfriend?" He asked in confusion.

"She's not his girlfriend!" I shouted, crossing my arms.

Nuh-uh, I don't ever want her to be his girlfriend.

"Okay, well why isn't he allowed to pay attention to her?" Dallon asked.

He sat down on my bed and gently pulled me to sit in his lap.

"Because then he's not paying attention to me," I stated.

"And you want his attention?" Dallon asked.

I nodded and he chuckled softly.

"Sweetheart, he's given you all his attention since you were three, I'm sure he can spend a little bit of time with his friend," Dallon said.

"Nuh-uh, not friends he gives kissies to," I denied.

Those kissies are supposed to be for me, not her.

"So he's not allowed to date anyone?" Dallon asked.

I nodded and he smiled.

"Is it just because he's your big brother?" Dallon asked. "You know, first he starts dating then he moves away then has kids and he doesn't see you as often?"

I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't really like that, more like I wanted him to give me kissies and not anybody else.

"Baby, everyone's gonna move on at some point," Dallon said. "You two won't be sharing this room when you're thirty."

I want us to share a different room in a house that we're gonna buy together and it'll be so much fun.

But right now it doesn't seem like he wants to do it. He just wants to spend time with Lindsey and not me and that makes me so upset. I wanna upset him too.

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