Chapter 14

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Sorry this took so long


Mikey had gone down to the beach a little bit ago and mom had taken my grandma and grandpa to the store. I asked Gerard to take me to the beach but he wouldn't. He wouldn't even play with me. He just locked himself in our room.

"Daddy," I whimpered, sitting outside the door. "Can we please play dolls? Or go fish?"

"I'm busy, Button," Gerard said.

My lip quivered as I sniffled. Ten minutes later the door opened and Gerard scooped me up into his arms.

"Baby, I have a surprise for you," he said.

"R-really?" I asked.

Gerard smiled and nodded, carrying me into the bedroom as he shut the door behind him. The lights were dimmed and there were candles lit everywhere and even rose petals spread on the bed.

"What's this?" I asked.

Gerard sat on the edge of the bed and I sat across his lap.

"I know that you always wanted your first time to be special," Gerard said. "And I know this isn't your first time and it's not my first time either but it's our first time together and I thought that maybe i could make it special."

I smiled softly and kissed his cheek.

"But we don't have to do anything if you're not ready, Button," Gerard said. "We can just watch cartoons or go to the beach or cuddle or something if you want."

"I want to," I said.

Gerard smiled and I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his. He kissed me slowly, wrapping his arms around me. His one hand rested on my thigh gently and I blushed but wanted so much more. I moved to straddle his hips and he smiled when I leaned in for another kiss.

My hands tangled into his hair as he held my hips. I panted softly, pressing my body closer to his. Gerard laid back in the center of the bed and I leaned down to kiss him roughly. I rocked my hips down against his, whimpering quietly. Gerard turned us over, his body pressed heavily against mine.

"Can I?" Gerard asked, his fingers toying the the strap on my dress.

I nodded and sat up a bit to help him take off my dress.

"God, you're so beautiful," he whispered.

I blushed as he leaned down for another kiss. His kisses trailed down my neck and chest to my stomach. He sucked on the spot right below my 'and' tattoo. I whined as he held my hips down when I bucked them up. Gerard left all sorts of marks along my hips and I writhed, wanting more.

He pulled his shirt off, letting it fall on the ground. Gerard's hips rolled down against mine and I moaned. He went right back to sucking on the skin along my hips as I whimpered

"D-daddy, daddy please," I whined. "Need you."

His hands ran up and down my body, trailing along my inner thighs. I reached down, tugging off his belt quickly when he grabbed my wrists.

"Patience, Button," he said.

I pouted but pulled my hands away nonetheless. Gerard leaned down and kissed me slowly but deeply, unbuckling his belt as he did so. He took it off, pushing his jeans down and off. I blushed when I saw he wasn't wearing any underwear.

I've seen Gerard naked many times before but it was a whole nother thing when he was hard. I also noticed that he was bigger than Dallon and I whimpered. That just means it'll hurt more and I don't want it to hurt.

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