Chapter 12

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Gerard helped me fold clothes and pack everything I'd need for the trip.

"Baby boy, we're gonna be there for two weeks," Gerard stated.

I looked at him in confusion. "And?"

"You're packing enough clothes for a month," he stated.

"But I don't know what I'll want to wear when I get there," I said.

He smiled, rolling his eyes. It was late at night and everyone was already asleep because we were leaving tomorrow. I was the last to pack because I just couldn't decide what to bring.

"Okay," Gerard mumbled, looking at the list. "Do you have enough clothes for two weeks?"

I nodded proudly.

"More than enough," he muttered to himself. "Pjs?"

I smiled, hugging my onesies.

"Oh, sweetheart, it might be too hot to wear your onesies there," he said.

I pouted and he smiled. "Just bring those but bring your thinner pjs too."

I smiled and nodded, packing some of my cute little pajama shorts with their matching shirts.

"Alright, bathing suits?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled.

"Toothbrush and toothpaste?" He asked.

I held up my bag, which had all my toothbrush stuff, makeup, and shampoo.

"Great, now what about your sippy cups and binkies?" He asked.

I nodded again.

"Shoes?" He asked. "Make sure you've got flip flops and sneakers."

I nodded, pointing to the pile of eight different shoes I had decided to bring. I originally had twelve but Gerard said I couldn't bring all of them with me.

"Okay, okay," Gerard mumbled, writing stuff down. "Make sure you bring Turtle this time."

He was referring to last time when we went to Florida. We were halfway there when I realized I forgot Turtle at home. I threw a fit and cried for about three hours straight until my mom turned the car around and we had to go back to get Turtle.

"Yes, he's already packed and ready to go," I said. "He's really excited to see California too."

"Well, I'm sure he'll love it," he said. "Got your sunscreen?"

I shook my head.

"Um...that's on the kitchen counter, we can grab it on our way out tomorrow," he said. "What about things like your phone charger? Also sunglasses?"

I nodded to both of them.

"Bring a nice dress too, grandma and grandpa might have us go out to eat at a nice restaurant," he said. "And you only need one."

I got up and went to the closet, grabbing three of my nice dresses. Gerard sighed, shaking his head softly as he laughed.

"Hair gel?" Gerard asked.

I nodded.

"Bring some sweaters in case it gets chilly," he said. "And some jeans too."

I packed more clothes, which was again enough for another five days. Overpacking is better than underpacking.

"Bring a backpack or something to carry around with you while we're walking around LA or something," he said.

I grabbed my pink leather backpack and smile.

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