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My dreams were surprisingly filled with vivid images of flowers, blue skies, and bright sunshine when I finally came to. It's been awhile since I've gotten a good nights sleep, and I could definitely get used to this feeling.

Without opening my eyes I let out a long yawn, rolling over and hugging my warm pillow. Aish, I wish I could stay in this position for the rest of my life. No worries, no responsibilities, just me and my bed.

That's right, me and my- WHAT? THIS ISN'T MY PILLOW?!

"AHHH!" I suddenly jump back after opening my eyes to a mysterious figure which causes them to wake with a start,

"WHA-WHAT?!" They roll off the bed, yelling just as I did with wide eyes.

"V?! WHAT ARE- sorry..." I clear my throat, not wanting to be the queen of jumping to conclusions, "what are you doing?"

His eyes dart back and forth rapidly giving me probable cause to be suspicious. That is until he gives me his squarish smile that could make anybody innocent.

"Last night I came to apologize for giving you the cold shoulder but you were asleep," He explains. I slowly raise my eyebrows since that didn't address the fact that he was literally in my bed.

"Oh, and you seemed to be having a nightmare so I was going to sleep over there but you grabbed my arm,"


He nods his head.

"I grabbed your arm?" That just doesn't seem like something I'd do. I rarely ask for help.

"Yeah, you were asleep of course," that explains a lot, "So I just slid under your covers. Don't worry though! We are like brother and sister,"

A small smile forms on my lips at his comparison. Ever since I was young I've always wanted a sibling. I didn't care whether they were a brother or sister or if they were younger or older, I just wanted someone who I could look after and they could look after me in return.

I never thought that dream would ever come true.

"Do you have nightmares often?" He cocks his head curiously at me.

"Hmmm," I breath out, "sort of,"

"What about?"

His eyes look so sincere that almost makes me spill everything to him. All my nightmares, all my troubles, and everything about Manager Hobeom. However, a loud knock at my door disrupts our little moment.

"Why is there yelling at 8am?!" Jimin's slightly annoyed voice pierces our ears.

"It's fine! Go back to sleep," I call back while watching V panic. Honestly, why is he so... different?

"Hyung! V hyung is missing!" We hear Jungkook exclaim from the hallway.

I let out a short sigh, opening my mouth to tell them where their friend really is. However V is quick to cover my mouth before I can even take in air.

"Don't!" He whisper shouts, trying to hear the conversation from outside but it's far too quiet.

"What are you doing?" I whisper back while removing his hand.

"Can't you see how this situation could be misinterpreted!"

I look at him with furrowed eyebrows until the realization that I had earlier sets in. Of course I didn't jump to conclusions but who's to say that the other boys won't?

"Just act like your normal unaware self and they won't even question it," I suggest.

He breaths out, "or maybe I can just disappear into thin air... what about a time machine?"

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