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"Wait, what?!" The boys and I gasp practically in unison.

"What do you mean I can't go to Los Angeles?" I frown at Bang PD-nim, "I mean I have my passport and everything,"

"Everything except permission..." he trails off timidly.

"But-" I start, reluctantly looking at the cameras recording us. I guess the reality show starts right here, "I'm emancipated,"

"Yes but you're only 15. Although you are legally you're own guardian, in Korea being emancipated doesn't allow you do go overseas without adult supervision or permission,"

I can feel a lump in my throat forming at the the thought of being left behind. That time I spent three days all by myself was hard enough... I can't even imagine being alone while they're gone for more than that.

"Oh! But Hobie Hyung is 18, Suga hyung is 20 and Jin Hyung is 21. Can't she come because they're all adults," Jungkook points out. I turn back to Bang PD-nim with hopeful eyes.

He sighs, "yes but none of them are Rain-Ssi's legal guardians,"

We all remain silent for a few moments out of defeat.

"Couldn't I adopt RaeJae...?" Hobie trails off.

"Hyung! That's ridiculous, " I pause, "but could that work?"

"I mean it might be able to work- but that's besides the point. You are meant to be leaving today in order to be on time. Plus I don't think an 18 year old can adopt a child that easily," Bang PD-nim rejects the idea, but I guess it was a bit far fetched to begin with.

My eyes trail across the floor to all of our luggage packed nicely in the corner of the practice room. Since we could only bring a certain sized suitcase, Yoongi was kind enough to lend me some space in his when my stuff couldn't all fit in my own. But I guess that won't be needed anymore.

"I'll stay behind with RaeJae," V nods, stepping to my side.

"Me too," Jungkook follows, "I can't go without my fellow 97 liner,"

I feel thankful for them but I can also see the panic starting to form in Hit Man Bang's eyes. He worked so hard to get us this opportunity and it's about to be ruined just because of my messed up life.

"Guys, come on. You two were both so excited for California. Don't let me keep you behind. Besides, you won't be gone for that long, right?" I turn to Bang PD-nim.

"Well... it's for a month," he guiltily stares at the ground.

I feel the lump in my throat build even more. How on Earth am I going to be able to survive a whole month all on my own. I guess I've technically done that my whole life... and I actually did survive a few months on my own before Bangtan, but now that I have them I don't want to.

"Manager-nim, no offense but I don't think we can go without her," Rap Monster speaks up sheepishly. I can see his face fall even more. God knows how much he went through to get us on this reality show.

"Hyung, I'll be okay. Don't worry!" I smile widely, but it's also fake, "This is a huge step for us as a group, I mean come on. You guys can't miss this all because I can't go. Do this for me, please,"

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