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Jimin's POV:

Honestly I don't know what I saw.

We were about to go in when I saw Jin's expression fall. One moment he was smiling, the next he looked worried, and then he was smiling again. I didn't know what to expect so I just kept RaeJae out here for a moment longer.

I was exactly opposed to that idea either.

"I think we should go in now," her voice is muffled against my chest.

"10 more seconds," I reply, willing Jin to make eye contact with me.

Finally he looks to our direction, motioning with his hand for us to come in. I mouth 'is he okay?', to which he nods in response.

"Okay," I breath out, loosening my grip on her.

She reluctantly pulls away, looking up at me.

"He's okay, right?" She asks.

I nod my head, staring into her twinkling eyes. As soon as she hears my words they fill with happiness, making my own do the same.

"Let's go!" Her voice is suddenly cheerful as she lunges for the door, holding it open for me.

"I'll come in just a second," I reply.

"Okay, come quick," She smiles before running off.

With each step she gets further and further away from me. I almost raise my hand to wave, because I know that after this, she's all Yoongi's. It may be true that I let her go a long time ago, but it was never really true.

Now that I'm watching her leave, I know it's true.

"Why did it have to be you?" I whisper, feeling a single tear fall down my cheek like rain.


"What'd the doctor say?" I ask, immediately falling in step with the boys.

"Everything went well. He should recover quickly," Jin replies with a grin.

"Ah," V let's out a long sigh, "thank goodness. I thought I was going to die of nerves,"

"You were nervous? Imagine Yoongi Hyung?" Hobie laughs.

"Are you kidding? He's got nerves of steel. I was worried the doctors were imposters," V's eyes narrow.

"Oh my god, what if they were!" Hobie exclaims, covering his mouth sarcastically.

"I KNOW! You thought the looked suspicious too!" V points at him.

"...sometimes I wonder if you're actually 19," Hobie purses his lips.

I can't help but chuckle a bit at they're behavior. Finally we arrive at the door of his recovery room, Bang PD-nim exiting at the same time.

"How is he?" Namjoon asks.

"He's a little loopy, but he's doing really well. I would make your visit short because he needs to rest before we can take him back to the dorms," Bang PD-Nim informs us.

"Okay," Namjoon nods.

"But could I please speak to you, Namjoon-Ssi, about something real quick first?" Bang PD-Nim stops us from going inside.

"Yeah sure," Namjoon replies, "you guys can go in. I'll come in a second,"

The rest of us quietly enter Yoongi's room, a smile showing on his face when he sees us. He carefully removes the breathing tubes in his nose and says, "who needs an appendix anyways?"

"He's aliveeeee!" V cheers, hugging him gently.

"How do you feel?" Jin asks.

"Tired, hungry, but glad that my gut doesn't hurt like crazy anymore," He chuckles.

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