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RaeJae's POV:


What an awful dream.

I sit up in my bed while stretching my arms to the ceiling. Huh, that's strange? I don't remember my hand being this sore...

My eyes open to an unfamiliar white room. Blue curtains line the sides of my bed along with another bed across from mine. Is that Jungkook? I feel my heartbeat quicken as I just about rip the curtain from its track trying to push it aside.

I'm in the hospital?

Then that can only mean...

I look at my right hand in panic, a huge wrap covers it going all the way past my elbow. This wouldn't be like this unless that dream was...

"Jungkook is napping right now but they said RaeJae should be waking up soon,"

My hysteric eyes follow the voice of Jin to the door of the room opening. I gulp down dread watching the six boys entering the room, almost all having a bandage somewhere along their body.

Hoseok is the first to see me causing him to gasp, "Rae-Ah! You're awake,"

His smile is bright along with the rest of the boys who are giving me concerned yet thankful looks. I stare at Namjoon who has a small bandage on his forehead, an image of Hobeom hitting him popping into my mind.

"It wasn't a dream," I breath out quietly.

"What," Yoongi asks gently, being the first to arrive at my side.

I turn to him while sitting and put my good hand on his, "Tell me this is just a dream,"

He shakes his head slowly, looking down at our hands on the rail of the bed.

"Hyung," I beg, "Please tell me I'm dreaming,"

"Rae, I can't," He whispers.

I take a sharp intake of air and look away from all of them. Unwanted flashbacks enter my mind from memories I wish nothing more than to erase. I can see the gun in my hands even now and hear the gunshot in my ears.

I killed a man.


I look back to them although their voices make it sound like I'm underwater.

"Hey, stop shaking you're safe now," Taehyung coos, "there's nothing to be afraid of,"

I whimper, "I'm not scared of him,"

"Why are you shaking then?" He tilts his head.

"Because," I pause, looking at the six of them sitting at my bedside, "I'm more scared of myself,"

Yoongi's POV:

I look at the girl in front of me and I can't even recognize her.

This is exactly what I feared most.

She's come back a completely different person, with a new mind polluted by what she thinks are her wrongs. This girl who once lived life as strongly as possible has now become more scared of herself than anything else.

Why does RaeJae have such bad luck? And why can't I stop these things from happening to her?

"You haven't done anything wrong though,"J-Hope tells her cautiously.

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