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Taehyung's POV:

I wasn't too happy when I ran into RaeJae's parents in the hallway. I knew exactly when I saw them who they were because of the dad who looks like Chewbacca. Even so, I have no idea how they had someone as beautiful as RaeJae for a child.

Because one, they don't deserve her at all.

And two... I mean just look at them.

"Ah! You're taehyung, right?" The mother squeals annoyingly, pointing her boney finger.

I let out a sigh while rolling my eyes, "yeah,"

"Perfect! Do you know where RaeJae is? We have some news for her," She smiles widely revealing a few silver teeth. Again, I have no idea how they ended up with a daughter like RaeJae. Not only is Rae beautiful on the outside but also on the inside.

They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree but in this case the apple probably fell off a cliff or something.

"We're working right now so now wouldn't be the best time," I answer plainly.

"Well we need to tell our daughter something," the father hisses. Okay, he is actually quite scary.

"You can either leave or I can call security on you," I state confidently, narrowing my eyes and standing up straight.

"Whatever, I don't feel like dealing with this kid," the mother grunts, "just tell RaeJae that we are fighting for custody of her again,"

My eyes widen. Could they actually win custody over her again? Surely the court couldn't let that slide if she was emancipated in the first place.

"I wouldn't bother with that if I were you. RaeJae does just fine on her own, in fact better. The boys and I are her family now," I grit my teeth. I know I should just let them leave but at this point I'm just trying to protect RaeJae.

"I'd shut your mouth if I were you little boy," the father takes a step towards me but luckily they aren't looking to fight today. It'd probably ruin their chances of getting RaeJae back.

"Let's just go,"

They both turn around, stomping their feet out of my sight which allows me to breath. My god, I think I was holding my breath the whole time. How on earth did RaeJae survive 14 years with these people. No wonder she was so quiet when we first met.

I turn my back to them and start my way back to find RaeJae when I hear something to my right. My eyes trail up a door which reads "Basement. DO NOT ENTER,". That's strange, I could've sworn I heard Yoongi's voice coming from their just now.

"Now you've really done it,"

Okay, that for sure was Suga. I go to grab the doorknob but stop when theirs nothing their to grab onto. What the heck?

"What? Did I seriously pull the doorknob out..." RaeJae's voice trails off. She's in their too?!

I lean down so that I can look through the hole where the doorknob used to be, "what are you two doing?"

"WOAH!" RaeJae squeals, a few thuds following.

"Jesus Tae, you almost made her fall down the stairs again," Yoongi breaths out, "anyway, does their happen to be a doorknob out their?"

I look around, "no... why-"

"Because RaeJae saw her parents and sort of panicked. We both somehow ended up down here and now we're stuck. Do you have a flashlight? It's pitch black," Yoongi tells me through the hole.

"Yeah I just spoke with them..." I put my finger to my lips and mouth to Yoongi that I'll tell him later. I don't want to make RaeJae panic before our performance. That's if we get them out in time.

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