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*warning* this chapter low key gets a little heated so read at your own risk (very low key don't get to excited hahahah)

RaeJae's POV:

"What you're telling me is that you 'didn't mean to break your promise'? RaeJae, how does that make any sense? I told you to stay and you left, that's no accident," Yoongi scoffs.

"So what? Am I supposed to listen to everything you say? Can't I make my own decisions?" I talk back, earning an angered glare.

"Are you serious, ah really, I can believe this. This isn't about you listening to me it's about you breaking a promise," He starts to sit up in his bed angrily.

"Hyung, it's just a promise. They're childish anyways so what does it even matter," I try to figure out a way to brush it off, but instead the words come out more bitterly than I intended.

A sarcastic smile suddenly appears on his face as he nods, "Yeah, you're right. Children break promises all the time, but you're forgetting one thing. Those promises don't jeopardize their hard work, and more importantly, others hard work,"

"What was I supposed to do?! You wouldn't have let me leave!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, and I would've been able to rest. Look where we are, RaeJae, you didn't have to leave when you're literally right back where you came from," He lets out an exasperated sigh while staring me down.

"Fine. I'm sorry," I shrug, wanting nothing more than to stomp out of his room right now.

"Apologies mean nothing after breaking promises, the childish thing here is you," He mumbles.

"Yoongi? What are you doing? We literally just had a talk about you..." Jin slowly trails off. I had almost forgot he was in the room with us, but then again, he is Yoongi's roommate.

"What? You thought I was just going to let her off the hook?"

"Wait, What talk?" I ask only to be ignored.

"She's being an idiot. Someone has to scold her," Yoongi continues.

"Good night, Hyung," I huff, leaving the room before I blow up yet again on one of my members. Did he seriously have to be so blunt? I already know a messed up.

I already know I'm an idiot, in more ways than one.

~a few days later~

"Yoongi Hyung still hasn't forgiven you?" Jimin asks me while we make our way to or filming site.

"Nope," I sigh.

"Well, He'll forgive you soon, don't worry," Jimin reassures me.

"Yeah, right after he writes a diss track about me," I reply sarcastically, although I'm sure Yoongi is very well capable of doing so.

We finally make it to the location, walking across the set in awe. From one point of view it looks like an apartment room, but from another it just looks like a random box with furniture inside.

"Are you two wondering why we only need you for today?" The director asks us when we reach him.

"I mean, us two aren't really partnered together in this story line so I'm a bit curious," Jimin answers.

"Well, you are actually Suga-Ssi for the day," the director looks at Jimin as I start to laugh.

"But they look nothing alike," I say.

"We'll only do shots from the back of his head, or where we don't see his face. Since Suga-Ssi is still recovering, we need Jimin to be a stand in as they are similar heights. If Suga-Ssi feels up to recording later, and if we have time, we'll be able to run the scenes over again," the director explains.

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