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"Omo, omo, omo.... alright, I've had enough," J-Hope gasps for breath while leaning on the railing. We all look at the pale faced boy in front of us, trying our best to be good friends and not burst out laughing at his behavior.

"But that was only our sixth ride if the day," Jungkook 'whines' with a slight smirk lining his face. This little maknae can't get enough of teasing his hyungs, and I mean it.

For example, a couple minutes ago before we got on this ride he would not stop nagging Jimin about nearly being shorter than him. After that he moved onto Yoongi who didn't give him the time of day, luckily I'm pretty sure Kookie learned not to tease Yoongi about his height...

Alls I can say is that Suga hyung is a pure savage.

"Only six rides?!" V replies dramatically, making sure to put the emphasis on the 'six'.

"Yeah, I agree with these two. I'm hungry anyways," Jin looks between V and J-Hope, "Let's get pizza or something,"

"I'm in!" Namjoon seconds earning a nod from Yoongi.

Jungkook turns to me with a wide smile causing me to furrow my eyebrows. What is he so giddy about? He then nods his head in the direction of the first rollercoaster we saw when driving into here.

"Ohhhhh," I breath out, tapping Jimin on the shoulder and pointing, "it's time,"

He lets out a nervous laugh, "V, you can't eat yet! You still have to be my ride buddy for that thing,"

The four of us make our way in the direction of the monstrous structure. I can already feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach just thinking about that drop... almost all the rides we went on today I wouldn't consider to be actual rollercoasters.

Instead they were all ones that spun around quickly. One was called the extreme frisbee and was honestly not scary at all, however it did make me extremely dizzy. We also went on one called the Turkish Twist which spun so fast that you stuck to the wall when the floor dropped! That one was quite interesting.

But my favorite out of all six has to go to the very first one we went on. Although it was dark, and I couldn't see a thing it was still by far the most fun. On top of that it was actually a real rollercoaster, so I have high expectations for this one.

"Wait a second! The seats are three seaters," V points out, our heads craning to see the next flight of people boarding the cart. He's right, though, it seems to be three people per row.

"SEE YA!" V suddenly yelps, running away like a dog with its tail in between its legs. Why doesn't this surprise me.

"He just bailed on us," Jungkook chuckles.

"Rightfully so, would you want to ride on this thing alone?" Jimin questions but Jungkook still nods, "You really are fearless, aren't you?"

"Aniyo, he used to be scared of all of us," I laugh causing Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"What happened to that shy little maknae? RaeJae-Ssi is also a maknae and she doesn't mention my height every ten seconds!" Jimin jokes while still having an underlying feeling of annoyance.

"But hyung how can-"

"Stop there! I don't wanna hear it!"

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