29 - Extras (;

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Jin's POV:

I can't believe they're making us enter one by one on our debut day! I mean, we've spent years training together so shouldn't we all start together too?

"Just go with it Jin," I breath out to myself on my way to the interview. I forced myself to act all cool and collected in front of the group but that's only because I have to be...I'm the oldest!

I confidently walk up to the mirror as if the dark room is my runway and sit down. Mwah! I blow myself a kiss and break out into laughter right after.


"AHH JINJJA!?" I yell, just about breaking my vocal chords, "WHO ARE YOU!"

The ghost/actor/creepy person continues to stare at me which only makes me even more unsettled.

"AH! AH! AH! NO! PLEASE DON'T GRAB MY LEGS!" I scream, pushing the chair back with a loud screech on the floor.

Suga's POV:

I don't know if I'm just behind or what but why on earth are they having us enter a dark room with just a mirror all alone? Surely they'd at least make it a little bit easier for us since it's our first day debuting.

But I mean, I guess all I have to do is sit in front of it and give myself some advice... which I'm awful at to begin with.

"Sugaaaa~," I breath out while adjusting my beanie in the mirror, "Keep working hard and..." I trail off when the mirror lights up, revealing a girl in a raggedy wig and cheap ghost makeup.

Suddenly she disappears to crawl out from under the vanity, only making me let out a silent laugh.

"Yah, how much they paying you to do this?" I chuckle, the actress backing away so that I can greet Jin in the real interview room.

"Your reaction was boring!" Jin exclaims with a laugh.

I shrug my shoulders, "what can I say? I'm Min Suga. Did you completely pïss your pants though?"

"LANGUAGE! Camera's are everywhere," Jin's eyes dart back and forth, "and no I didn't even flinch,"

I give him a look that says 'yeah right' which makes him laugh and tell everything.

Rap Monster's POV:

"Good luck guys. Remember, this is what we've been waiting for," I say to the remaining members, all of them smiling nervously back at me.

"Alright Rap Monster-Ssi, just walk to the end of the room right here and sit down in front of the mirror. Give yourself some advice and then you may take the second door into the interview room," the director informs me.

"Yes sir," I reply politely, pushing aside a black curtain.

I walk through the dim lit room and sit down in front of the mirror. My hair is permed into a slight Mohawk type hairstyle while my eyes are covered by black sunglasses.

"Stay true to yourself and don't be someone you aren't for others," I point to my reflection.


"WOAH!" I gasp, jumping up from the chair to raise it in the air as a weapon, "Oh my gawd,"

I let out a sigh of relief and place the chair back on the ground, "You got me good!" The actress stays in character as I find my way into the interview room, greeted by a laughing Yoongi and Jin.

"You we're gonna fight a ghost with a chair?!" Yoongi chuckles.

J-Hope's POV:

Am I seriously having a staring contest with myself in the mirror? Wait... I can't even remember how I got here. Wasn't I just standing with Tae, Jimin, and Raejae? Oh my god I'm so nervous that I'm losing it.

"Hobie!" I smile cheerfully, pushing my panic to the back of my mind, "Keep up theeeAHHHHHHH NO OH MY AJSJAJSHGS!"

I flip backwards in the chair, crashing onto the ground and sprinting faster than I ever have to the exit. What the heck was that?! Whatever, I don't have the time to risk my life to find out I'm out of here-

"Hoseok-Ssi!" One of the directors grab my arm before I can make it back to the remaining members, "It was just a prank, the ghost is an actress," The crew is all covering their mouths in an attempt to stop themselves from laughing.

"Ah, really?" I quickly bow in apology while my face is probably bright red.

"Hobie that was the best reaction I've seen all day," Jin breaks out into laughter when he sees me, "you were worse than me!"

"I thought I was dead meat,"

Jimin's POV:

The only way I can keep myself from completely breaking down is by hiding behind a poker face. I wouldn't even be surprised if I'm the most nervous out of all of us, and to make matters worse I have to go into the interview alone!

I cautiously walk into the dark room and approach the vanity. Again I keep my poker face while staring at my reflection. I hate to admit it but I think I look a lot better with this eyeliner I have on than without.

"Jimin-ah," I say to myself, taking a deep breath to think about some advice, "WHAT!"

I yelp with my hands flying to my face to cover my eyes, "GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWayyyyyy~"

I stay there with my hands over my eyes until I hear Hoseok's voice, "Jimin come in! You've been sitting like that for like five minutes,"

V's POV:

"La la la la la~" I sing song while skipping into the room, "hello there!"

I slide into the chair and point to myself in the mirror, "what's up! Wait... what was I meant to do again?"

I stare at the ground deep in thought. Was I supposed to make a funny face? No, a sexy one? Oh god, it's my debut and I've already managed to space out.

"Ah~ I'll just go ask," I breath out, a face popping up in the mirror that is definitely not mine, "OMO!"

"Wahhh, you scared me," I place my hand over my heart, "what's your name?"

Jungkook's POV:

If I'm being honest I think I'm more nervous for RaeJae than I am for myself. The other day I was thinking about our debut and her being the only girl among us. How is the public going to react to that? I guess we can only hope for the best, and all I can do is protect her and make sure her true image get's across to our fans.

"Hwaiting!" She calls after me once I enter the room.

As I walk towards the mirror I feel myself getting smaller and smaller. I'm about to debut after looking up to great groups like BIGBANG sunbaenim and others. I can only hope to make my parents and friends proud, as well as myself.

"Okay, uhm," I think to myself, "wait?"

I cock my head, noticing something strange about the mirror. Why is my reflection all wonky and stuff... is this one of those one way mirror type deals? I raise my hand to knock on it when a ghost appears in front of my.

"I knew it!" I can't help my instincts and I raise my hands into fighting position, but quickly lower them.

I hope you enjoyed this little extras chapter ((; I think I'm going to do another one on the members reaction to RaeJae's scare :D hopefully I can get it out tonight or tomorrow.

I hope all of you who live in the United States have an excellent Memorial Day today!

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