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(Chapter 12)
*Alyssa's POV*
       "Bye love, see you tonight" My mum planted a kiss on my forhead and she and my dad went out of the house. They were going to have a day to themselves, which left me the whole house to myself... It would've been so much more fun with her.. I shook my head, ridding all the horrible memories and sat on my comfy four poster bed. I finished all my holiday homework and studied a bit extra, so I was thinking of binge-watching one of my favourite TV shows, 'Gossip Girl'.
           I opened my macbook and turned it on when the doorbell rang six consecutive times. I groaned and went to open the door. "C'mon lazy butt"Adrian's voice called and before I knew what was going on, I was hoisted onto his shoulders. "DAMN YOU SKYLER! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" I screeched and gripped his head for support. He dropped me on my sofa and I winced before glaring at him. "Nice pajamas, Cinnamon" Adrian smirked and I rolled my eyes. I was still in my comfy Spongebob Pjs and my hair was a mess.
       It was only now that I realised Adrian wasn't wearing a shirt. He had abs that any girl would die for. I blushed and looked away. "What on Earth are you doing? And why are you not..um wearing..A shirt?" "Cause it's BEACH TIME!" He cheered and I gawked at him. "It's winter you douchebag! The water is Freezing. And you want to go to the beach...?" I asked shocked. "Yes, now let's go." "No way in the freaking MilkyWay. I'll catch a dreadful cold, now let me be in peace." I moaned. "Come on! We won't go in the water we'll just sit in the sand atleast?" Adrian pleaded. I rolled my eyes and set my jaw, stubbornly.
          "Gah, I have plans. Now out!" I commanded but before I knew it, he was up the stairs and going to my room. "Wait!" I called and scrambled to keep up. He smirked and pushed the door open. "This was your plan?" He chuckled as he gazed at my laptop, speakers and bowl of Nachos. I rolled my eyes and stepped into my room "Yes, it's way better then having a death wish and going to the beach in this weather! Besides anyone would love Gossip Girls after they watch it!" I defended. "Anyone would love gossip girls after they watch it!" Adrian mimmicked and waved his hands up as he put on a high pitched girl voice. "A. i so do not sound like that! B. I SO DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT!" I cried slightly annoyed. Now it was Adrian's turn to roll his eyes.
           "Can you please go??" I whined and plonked myself on the bed. "Nope" His eyes scanned my room, they grazed over my textbooks and landed on the wall. There were pictures of Venice taped to my cupboards, maps of Venice hung on my bathroom door and posters of Venice stuck on my walls. "Wha-" Adrian began to question but I hastily interrupted him "No biggie, why don't you wait downstairs and I'll get ready to go huh? But we're only sitting on the sand and you must put a Shirt on." Adrian raised an eyebrow but didn't push me. Thank the heavens! "Alright, if my body is too distracting, Cinnamon"

Hi guys,
Thank you soooo much for reading. Love you lots and lots.
Don't even think about swimming in winter.😂 You'll catch the flu faster than the flash.
Vote and comment if you liked this chapter. PM me some feedback or sugestions, if you have any.
Also exams coming up in a few weeks and I'm so stressed ugh :'(

Hint: Alyssa has some kind of obsession with the place Venice.
Read to find out more  ♡
Media as Cameron Dallas
~ xoxo The Unicorn In The Rain

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