The time my heart was wrong

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(Chapter 22)
*Alyssa's POV*

              I sniffled against Sydney's chest and narrated the whole story to her. "He's a jerk Aly. Forget him" She soothed and stroked my brown hair. You can't just forget the bad boy who etched a mark on your life. My phone buzzed and I ignored the sixth call from Adrian. "You know what sweety? If it's way too much I'll ask them not to sit with us in lunch anymore" I wiped my puffed eyes and shook my head. "It's fine Syd. I don't want to get between you and Trystan." "No. I'll explain to him. After all it's hoes before bros right? And I'd choose this nerdy hoe before any bro" Sydney pulled me in a tight hug and I smiled despite myself. My brain had won and gloated at proving my heart wrong. I was at Sydney's house, forgetting all about the mounds of homework I had instead just sitting and crying on her bed. Sydney's phone rang and she cut it. "Who was that?" I asked. "Adrian." What did that boy want? "He'll know I like him now." I moaned and wiped my eyes. "Don't let him. Show him you don't give a shit but also show him he can't hit on girls and mess with you like that. Constantly flirting with you but playing with some other girls, he can't do that Aly!" Sydney growled and her phone rang again. "It's Trystan" She sighed. "Hello?" Her face hardened. "Look, you jerk, I don't want to know your stupid reasons but you better not speak to my best friend again!" She snapped.

        Something told me that it wasn't Trystan talking. "No look here you son of a bitch, you better put a stop to those rumors before it embarrasses Alyssa! And thanks to you, whichever girl you were fucking, will blab to the whole world how you apparently cheated with her, after all they all think you're dating Alyssa when you told Carl. You better stitch together this mess you made Adrian!" Then she hung up and turned to me. "What rumors?" I questioned. "He used Trystan's phone to get to me to get to you" Sydney dodged the question and I sighed flopping back down on her bed. "Tell me about those rumors" "Alright! Well... Y'know at the party the other day when Carl cornered you and Adrian lied that you two were together? Well, Carl told half the school and..." She bit her lip and I tugged at my hair. "Nononononononono! This isn't happening. UGH! Now it'll be like he cheated on me and oh crap" I cursed and pressed my hand to my temple. "I know girl, that's why we're showing him that he can't toy with you." Sydney straightened. "No going into a depression mode, that'll show him he won. No, you're gonna be strong and act like nothing affected you but do.Not.Speak.To.That.Useless.Piece.Of.Crap!" She announced and pulled me up. She was right, I wasn't going to be like those other girls who got their hearts broken by that player. Because just because he hurt me, doesn't mean he needed to know that.


    The next day at school, I picked Sydney up and we started the day by ignoring Adrian and Trystan who were calling us and bumping people in he corridor. They chased us, till we got fed up and hid in the girl's bathroom. "BABE, COME ONE!" Trystan boomed but Sydney ignored him. She wore pink booty shorts and a low cut sleeveless white shirt. I on the other hand wore ripped jeans and an over sized Adidas black shirt. Kira entered the bathroom and snickered. "How'd it feel having your boyfriend cheat on you with Kiara huh?" I tried not to look like I'd just been hit by a bowling ball. "They were never together Kira! Your brother is a freaking jerk" Sydney retorted and Kira smiled. "Well, that's true but I'm sure your bestie would give anything to get in his pants" I looked away. Did the whole school think Adrian and I were in a relationship that ended with him cheating with that girl, Kiara? Jeez, this life is just amazing! NOT!


Hiya amigos! (Why do I sound so cheerful?)

Vote and Comment maybe?

Lot's of love to you guys :*

School is starting in a few days but I'll try to keep posting regularly :) Don't leave xx

Media as Evan Peters


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