I'm the Grinch, Sydney is Santa

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(Chapter 14)
*Alyssa POV*
          "IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE LAZY BUM GET UP!" Sydney's voice screamed in my ear. "Urgh" I mumbled and stuffed my head in my pillow as she jumped up and down on the bed. "GerroffmabedSyd!"I grumbled and squeezed my eyes shut. "Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh" Blared in my ears and Sydney chuckled as my eyes popped open and I groaned. "Put it off. I am up. Just keep it off!!" I exclaimed and sat up. "Yes! Now get those pajamas off, we're going out for breakfast." Sydney declared and shoved me into the bathroom.
I groggily took a shower and changed into white jeggings and a red sweater. Really why couldn't the grinch just steal Christmas already? I'd rather be cozy in my bed. Mehhh...
         I sat next to Sydney and munched on pancakes and waffles. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed eh?" She teased and I rolled my eyes. "Nah, actually I just woke up with a hooligan jumping on my bed and playing carols in my ear. Nothing too drastic." I replied sarcastically.
            "So the plan for today: After breakfast we go shopping to buy gifts for Trystan, your parents and blah blah. Then we eat lunch at my place. After that we'll kill time somehow and go out for dinner. Then we stay up till midnight and open the presents." Sydney explained. "Jesus, someone has been busy. Do we really have to stay up? And I have to study today..." I said. "Do.Not.Be.Such.A.Grinch." Sydney complained and finished her milkshake.
I would make a good Grinch though...
            I drove away with Sydney humming to Ariana Grande's Christmas album. We had gone shopping for presents and I found a wool scarf for my mum and a wallet for my dad. Sydney chose a snow globe for Trystan and somehow talked me into getting Adrian a new pair of shoes for his soccer game.
             We ate spaghetti and meat balls for lunch and then drove to Trystan's house where Sydney left his present on the steps and rang the doorbell, while I waited in the car where I wouldn't be seen. Sydney ran back to the car and we watched as Trystan's mom opened the door and called for Trystan to come. When he opened the present, a goofy smile formed on his face and he texted Sydney a thank you message while we left to do the same for Adrian.
           "I dunno why we're doing this for him. And why do I have to leave it at the door!?!" I asked. "Because you like him. Plus it's so sweet." Sydney answered as I parked the car a few yards away where it was sure not to be seen. "What if Kira opens the door?" I argued. "Go" Sydney urged and pushed me out, locking the door so I couldn't come in. "Traitor" I scowled and with Adrian's present I ran to his porch nervously. After I set it down and rang the doorbell, I quickly turned to run away but I stubbed my toe on a loose plank on the porch and yelped in pain. The door swung open and I was face to face with Adrian's confused one. "Aww, Cinnamon!" He smirked and picked up the gift wrapped present. "Not.My.Idea." I muttered and backed away, only to trip over the steps and tumble down on the hard path. "Woa! Are you ok?" He asked and gazed down at me with an amused expression. "I just fell down, probably bruised my back and I'm staring at the stupid sky. Yup, totally okay." I growled sarcastically and mentally punched myself for making a fool out of myself. Adrian laughed and pulled me up causing me to grimace in pain. 

                        "You should come in." Adrian said and I shook my head. "Sydney and I are going on a lovely excursion, giving presents to the whole world." I replied and glanced back at my car where Sydney sat and gave me a thumbs up and a gesture to shoo me into the house. "But it looks like she doesn't need an elf." Adrian laughed and pulled me inside. The next thing I know I'm in his house with Adrian Skyler. Again.

Thanks for reading y'all
So so sorry 'bout the awkward spacings. I'll surely edit it :))
Stick around for the next chapter.

Media as Vanessa Hudgens

~The Unicorn In The Rain xoxo

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