But I really think I'm bad ass now

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(Chapter 28)

*Alyssa's POV*

I finished my mocha, then did the breakfast dishes. I woke up extra early to see my parents off to Chicago. Yes, it was the 27th of March. "Bye, Aly. Take care and sleep on time. Study well and call us only after dinner because we'll be busy" My father said and kissed my forehead. I held an annoyed sigh back and nodded with a fake smile, watching their taxi drive away to the airport. As soon as they left, I got into a comfy summer outfit of: a white crop tank top with denim shorts and my red converse. I packed my school bag then pulled out my suitcase and packed some clothes, my toiletries, an extra pair of shoes and my laptop. 

My phone buzzed: Adrian. "Hey, Cinnamon" His voice chimed and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, clove" I answered. "What?" "Oh, sorry I just thought we were naming spices." I said sarcastically and he fake laughed. "Ha-Ha." "So, what is it?" I asked slightly impatient. "What?" he asked with fake surprise and I groaned. "You called me, douche bag!" I picked up my backpack and car keys. "Me? I'm sorry Cinnamon, you called me." "Not funny, Skyler, I need to go to school, so stop playing games" I sat in the car and buckled my seat belt. "We both know, there's a much more heated game we could play Cinnamon" He teased and I banged my head on the steering wheel. "Why.Are.You.So.Annoying?" I moaned, stressing on each word. "Alright, if you really want to talk to me so bad! I'll just play along as if I called" He laughed and I pictured his smirk making me roll my eyes. Again. "So, tomorrow is on right? I'll pick you up at 1 and then we'll leave?" He spoke. "Yeah, yeah. Now, just because I'm bunking school for a while, doesn't mean I'm missing today. Bye" I hung up before he could protest, then picked Sydney up and drove to school.


I awkwardly held my lunch tray as Trystan and Sydney made out. "Please, get a room" Sydney pulled away and stole a chicken nugget from my tray. "Aly, rooms don't just appear when we want to make out, shoo shoo, find your bae, Adrian" I ogled at her when Adrian plonked down in his usual seat next to me. "What was that I heard? I'm your bae, Cinnamon?" He drawled and tossed his arm around my shoulder. Stop, stop blushing Alyssa! "Never" I retorted and pushed his arm away. We made fun of Trystan and Sydney for a while then got bored of them, so we played arm wrestling. Yep, I mean it. My palms were sweaty as I held Adrian's hand and we began. I pushed and pushed but his arm just refused to budge an inch. He mimed a yawn with his other hand and I rolled my eyes. If I couldn't move him, I'd defend and we'd have to hold hands for a longer time. Wait What!? He began to push my arm backward and I tried not to stare in awe at his muscles. Damn, he's hot. Wait, since when did I start thinking like that? Eventually, I lost and I sulked as he stood up flexing his muscles and blowing kisses to the 'Imaginary' crowd, or should I say the cheerleaders who twirled their hair at him. and swooned I groaned and sat back, sipping my coke.


Last period was free for me so I went to my locker to put some books away when a hand tapped my shoulder. "Hello there, Payton." Kira's voice droned into my ear and I took a deep breath and turned around. "Kira" "Please! Don't utter my name. For you are not worthy of having it in that Adrian cock sucking mouth of yours." I gaped at her. "Wh-What? I told you Adrian and I are NOT together, leave me alone" I tried to push past her but she blocked me. "Look here you slimy bitch, you fool Adrian but not me. I know about your lovely trip with him and you, going to Venice and la la la together. You're using him, and don't be surprised. I'm not doing this for him, I don't care if you use him or not, but he's taking my mother's well-earned money to get you that hotel and tickets. And I can't believe I'm telling you this, but she's already finding it hard to cope with her job to pay for our fees, let alone your fantasy vacation. And Adrian refuses to take the money from his stepdad! You bitch" She hissed and slapped my face sharply. I stood dumbfounded as she turned to walk out of the empty hall, when I grabbed her arm. 

"Kira! Please, I hate this cold blooded war between us, why can't we be cool? If this is about Carl, well I left him for good so we're on the same side now. And I didn't know your mom was finding it hard to pay-" I began. "Don't mock my mother! And friends? Dream on, slut. This is all your fault" She spat and I gasped.

"MY FAULT? Okay, so it was my fault that YOU kissed your stepdad? It was MY fault that you and Adrian have issues! No honey, you're the slut and it's YOUR fault" I let go of her arm and she looked like she was slapped by a banshee. "Th-That bastard told YOU?" She gawked and then clenched her jaw. "Yeah he did" I replied and walked away. She wasn't going to ruin this for me. But was it true? Was it inconvenient for Adrian's family. I had to prioritize his needs before my wants.


"Hey" I called over to Adrian who sat in his car. "Oh hey Cinnamon" He answered and took off his sunglasses. "So, about tomorrow." I took a deep breath pushing away my disappointment. My dreams would be crushed but it was the right thing to do. "I don't think we should do it" I hastily said. "What?! Alyssa, come on, why?" His face was crestfallen and I sighed. "Kira told me your mom was struggling with money and you turned down your stepdad's money. I-I can't just whisk off with you to Venice and use your money Adrian" He shook his head. "Look, I-I..Okay, I'll use my stepdad's money alright? Please, just come with me?" He begged desperately and I bit my already chapped lips. "I-I, I dunno" I mumbled. "Please Alyssa? I already booked everything anyways and your plan is perfect!" He looked so disappointed that I couldn't resist. "Oh, alright! But you let me pay for ALL the dinners and lunches AND you put your ego away and take your stepdad's money ok?" "Deal" He sighed in relief and immediately went back to being cocky. 

"Damn, Cinnamon you scared me. The thought of you being a bad ass seemed too good to be true" "HEY!" I cried in protest and snatched his sunglasses, trying them on imitating his goofy smirk. "I am totally bad ass. Just a bad ass, who needs to go home and do homework" He laughed and started his engine. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cinnamon" "Oh yeah" I said and quickly to his glasses off and held them out. "Nah, keep it. It'd crush my dreams of you being a bad ass if you didn't wear them" He chuckled and I laughed. "So you dream of me huh?" Looks like it was my turn to do the 'ego' teasing. "Maybe" He winked and drove away, leaving me with a new pair of sunglasses and a wacky smile.


Y'all know the pattern:

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Media as Evan Peters

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