SPARTA...! Ow.

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Chapter 30

*Adrian's POV*

I grinned to myself at the sight of Alyssa's hyper face as she brisk walked all around the lobby, ogling at everything. "THIS IS AWESOME!" She exclaimed as she came up to me. I stood at the counter in the Dexter's Hotel, checking into our room. "Anything for you, Cinnamon" I smirked as she examined a tourist pamphlet. "Ha-Ha" she rolled her eyes. "Thank you for staying with us sir, your room number is 11. Have a good honeymoon you two" The lady behind the Check-In counter smiled cheerfully and handed me a key. "Oh no, we're not married or any-" Alyssa began to correct the lady with a blush but I pulled her to my side and planted a kiss on her cheek making her ears turn pink. "Shush, honey, honeymoon couples get a discount" I whispered playfully and pulled her to the elevator, following the scrawny man who was escorting us to our rooms. I rubbed my neck nervously, it wasn't a five star hotel and it was the only hotel I could afford that didn't have worn out furniture, uncooked food and terrible room service. Well, it was definitely not the worst.. Nor the Best.

Alyssa elbowed me once with a glare when the lift door opened to our floor, making me draw my hand back from her shoulder. "Right this way if you please" The man called Phil said according to his name badge. We came in front of a white door, with chipped paint. Phil cleared his throat and I quickly fiddled with the keys in my pocket and inserted it into the key hole. I tried turning it but it wouldn't budge. OPEN YOU USELESS THING! I heard Alyssa stifle a laugh and roughly shook the handle. "Goddamnit, open" I growled and Phil awkwardly put his hand over mine and easily opened the door. Note: This bad boy can't open hotel doors. Cheers.

I felt my face go red as I took the keys back quietly and entered our room. "There is a kitchen that includes a micro wave and a fridge, there's one bathroom and the living room here. There's one bedroom with a queen sized bed and a sofa-cum-bed. If there is something wrong with the television please dial 899, for room service call 255. Enjoy your stay" Phil narrated listlessly as Alyssa bounced on the couch like a small girl and I dropped our bags on the floor. The walls were an off white, a few of the tiles in the kitchen and on the floor were chipped and there was an ugly tear on the carpet but other than that, the place looked tolerable. TOLERABLE. "Thanks Phil- wait there's only one bed?" I asked. "Yes, I must say you two make a cute couple. So young" He winked making Alyssa's jaw hang and then he left, closing the door behind him. There was a moment of awkward silence at what he had just said and then Alyssa met my eyes and we grinned. We both raced to the bedroom calling dibs on the bed. "I called it first!" I said. "Sorry, Ladies get the luxury!" "Sexist much?" I muttered and pounced on the roughly made bed. "What happened to 'Anything for you, Cinnamon'" She mimicked and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at my head. "Oh no you didn't" I growled and grabbed the second pillow and hit her. "ARGH" Alyssa whined and jumped on the bed, beating me with the pillow. "THIS.IS.SPARTA!" She huffed and I laughed and pinned her down, stuffing the pillow on her face. "SPARTA!" I cried and she struggled and pushed me off with a giggle, I lost my balance and fell off the bed, dragging her with me. "OUCH!" I groaned. So much for Sparta.


We hungrily ate our lasagna in the room while checking out the tourist sites. I texted Trystan a quick update though it was around three in the morning in San Francisco, Trystan was probably out drunk in a pub. I glanced over at Alyssa who was eagerly munching her food and reading through the facts about Venice on the tourist brochure. "This place is amazing" She breathed and I smiled. Yes, I had definitely fallen for this goody- to- shoes.


Media as Cameron Dallas

Keep reading, sending all my love to my readers. So so so so sorry that I didn't post in ages. School has kept me busy :/

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