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Sagelyn stood up, ignoring Simon's request on no makeup as she did her eyebrows and put some mascara on.

She took off her leggings and put on some shorts, throwing an oversized hoodie on as she heard the doorbell ring twice and the front door open. "I'll be down in a minute, si!" She called.

"Take your time!" He called back up to her as he shut the door behind him. She walked down the stairs, seeing him smile at her as he kicked his shoes off.

"I can take those." She said, gesturing to the bags in his hands. "I didn't think you were actually going to get nandos and ice cream." She chuckled as he handed her one of the bags.

"Of course. That was our first plan anyway." He smiled shyly, following her to her kitchen. She set the bags on the counter, putting the ice cream in the freezer. "You're even prettier in person." He complimented quietly, seeing her blush as she turned back around.

"Thanks, Si. You're not too bad yourself." She smiled, taking the bag to her living room. She sat it on her coffee table, sitting down on the couch and grabbing her Xbox controller. "I have FIFA if you want to play after we eat." She told him, folding her legs under her to sit criss crossed.

He sat beside her, chatting with her as they ate.

It was 2 am, Simon laid on the couch when he heard something rolling around the kitchen. "Is that a fucking scooter, Sagelyn?" He looked back, seeing Sagelyn run into her oven with her scooter.

He stood up, pulling his phone out of his pocket to take a photo as she laughed, her fingers tightening around the mug in her hand. He posted it to his story, getting texts from the boys minutes later.


57 minutes ago


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just now


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Simon smiled as sagelyn's head laid in his lap. "Si, its 4 am." She whined, looking up at him. He looked down, leaning down to kiss her forehead before looking back at the screen.

"Last match, love." He told her, her eyes going wide at the pet name before she smiled, nodding. Her eyes closed, and he smiled before closing the game and shutting the console off. "Come on, gorgeous. Let's go." He whispered, his fingers running through her hair.

He watched as her eyes fluttered open sleepily. She sat up, yawning before standing up. She reached for Simon's hand, feeling his grab her's before they walked upstairs to her room together.

She handed him an extra phone charger, plugging her phone into her's. Sagelyn turned around, seeing Simon looking around her room. "What?"

"Nothing." He smiled, plugging his phone in as Sagelyn climbed into her bed. "Do you want me to stay in here?" He asked, seeing her smile before nodding.

"I need to change out of this hoodie." Simon nodded, seeing her get up and walk to the closet at the other end of the room. Simon looked down at his phone. She opened it, grabbing a t-shirt before pulling her hoodie off.

Simon looked up from the screen, his eyes wandering down her bare back before looking back to the device in his hand. A minute later she crawled back into bed, checking her phone quickly before setting it back down and laying on her back. "Thank you." Sagelyn whispered, looking over to simon.

He set his phone down, looking down to her. "For what?"

"Just being here."

"Of course, Sagelyn." He told her, moving closer. She smiled, their eyes meeting as he leaned against his elbows on the bed. She watched as Simon's eyes flickered to her lips, licking his lips instinctively as their eyes met again. "Can I?" He whispered quietly.

Sagelyn nodded, scared to trust her words. He leaned forward, connecting their lips as his hand came to hold her cheek. She felt him smile against her lips, causing her to follow suit.

They pulled away, looking into each other's eyes once more before their lips were connected again. This time their lips moved against the other's. Sagelyn's hand came to rest on the back of Simon's neck, pulling him closer as he hovered over her.

After a few more kisses, Sagelyn's head was laying against Simon's chest. A brief kiss was pressed against her hair before the two fell asleep.

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