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Simon woke up to his girlfriend wrapped in his arms, playing on her phone. "Happy Valentines Day." He whispered, seeing her lay her phone down.

"I got you a few presents." Simon's eyebrows raised, causing her to smirk. "You'll have to wait until tonight for one of them, though." Simon's lips curled into a smirk.

She stood up, stretching before walking to the bathroom. Simon checked his phone, texting JJ back before hearing Sagelyn walk back in.

His breath caught in his throat as he looked her up and down. She stood in front of him, in just a bra and underwear.

She reached her hand out, Simon grabbing it. "I thought you were taking a shower?" He asked as she crawled to straddle his lap.

"Do you want to join?" She asked quietly as she kissed his lips. She pulled away seeing his eyebrows raise, smiling lightly. "I'm sure." She whispered before he nodded.

She walked back into the bathroom, starting the water and giggling as Simon called, "You look really hot, by the way.". She realized how hesitant he was to get in with her, frowning.

"You don't have to join me if you don't want to." Simon shook his head, stripping of his top. "Seriously, Si. What's up?"

He shrugged lightly before crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't look at me like that!" He told her as she gave him a disapproving glare.

"Simon, you're attractive as fuck. Stop being so insecure around me." She told him as she intertwined their hands, kissing his jaw. "You're perfect to me."

He kissed her forehead before she was turning around to strip before stepping into the running water. "Join whenever, love."

A few minutes later, Simon joined her, rolling his eyes at her annoying comment on how long it took. "Shut up. Kiss me." He told her, seeing her spin around to kiss him lightly.


The day went by normally, Simon informing Sagelyn there was an emergency at the house and later returning to her's with a bouquet of flowers.

At the same time, there was a duffle bag full of Adidas clothing and a pair of boots waiting on the island when he returned with the bouquet.

Sagelyn had also told Simon she felt bad for not getting him anything other than that, later surprising him by letting him find a brand new watch under his pillow.

Sagelyn had eventually found out about the dinner plans from Sarah when she accidentally asked what she was wearing to her date with Simon that night.

"You know how some couples post photos of each other, but don't confirm their together for a while? What if we did that?"

"Go for it." She told him, seeing him get ready to tweet about her. She heard her phone ding, picking it up to check it.

She liked the photo, immediately seeing people replying to it or quoting it

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She liked the photo, immediately seeing people replying to it or quoting it. "Dude they're flipping shit." He chuckled, standing up.

"I'm going home to get ready. I'll be here to pick you up at 8." Sage nodded, feeling him kiss her lightly before leaving.

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