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Sagelyn smiled at Simon from across the flat. He was watching the game with the boys, groaning and tweeting when Leeds did something wrong. He glanced back, smiling light at Sagelyn.

"You two need to be official already." Sarah whispered, snapping Sagelyn back to her. "You guys are falling, and hard." She added, looking up from the paper in her hands.

Sage smiled lightly, shrugging. "I'm waiting for him to ask me. I don't want to rush it." The other female nodded, but had a look. "What?"

"Are you ready?" She asked with a soft closed lip smile, seeing Sagelyn's eyebrows furrow. "I don't mean to be rude, S, but you seem a little skittish when talking about it."

The brunette looked over at Simon, seeing the dimple show on his left cheek. She looked him up and down, noticing every perfection about him. "He makes me so fucking happy." She whispered. "I don't think I would be ready if it were anyone else, but Simon makes me feel safe and comfortable."

Sarah nodded, her smile now bright and happy. "I'm so ready for you two to be official." She clapped excitedly, causing the boys to look over, confused.

"Ignore it." Sage told them, watching as they turned back towards the TV. "How are you and Cal?" Sarah's smile brightened at his name.

"We're good. Really good." Sage smiled at he response, seeing Simon look back at them. "Lets go before they get impatient."

Sage picked up the bowl of pretzels they were picking at before they walked over to the couch, sitting in between Callum and Simon. "Hey, babe." Simon kissed her temple as she leaned into him, a smile playing on her lips.

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