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I couldn't imagine my life without you. Without your smile that brightened up my entire day with the smallest sight of it. Without your eyes that are every color except a color. Without your laugh and the way you cover your mouth with one hand.

I know you're grieving but please remember this, you have people who love you. Look around. You have seven people who left their home to make sure you were happy. They put their entire lives on hold, all for you.

You have two wonderful women who are going through this with you, and I beg of you to help them through this. Please stay in Illinois for a week or two after I pass to visit and help your mother and sister.

I wrote letters to the boys as well, and one to Simon. Please don't ask to read them. They're special to them, and they will know what to do.

Thank you for bringing them here. They're wonderful. They're perfectly fit for your life.

Stay in London. I know after I pass you're either going to want to hurry and go back or stay her for a long time. Settle with a medium decision. Go back in a few weeks, but don't rush.

Please don't block Simon out, he cares so much about you. Let him listen to records with you or listen to you play an instrument. Let him comfort you.

Please don't force yourself to make videos, your fans will understand. Tell them about me in a few months, let them know how happy I was before I went. Show them photos of us from when you were younger, and we were having a great time.

Don't be hard on yourself for not being around. I'm so happy I got to see you living your dream in London.

Comfort your mother and sister, they're going to be hurting just as much as you are. I love you, and I'm so proud of you.

- Dad
•ps- keep those boys around.

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