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It was a few days later and Sagelyn was sitting in her old room, watching Simon pack his stuff up. "I can stay, you know? It's not an issue. I can stay while the others go home."

"It's okay. I think we need a bit of family time anyway." Simon nodded, laying beside her on her bed. He hummed before pulling out his phone. "Wanna have one last family dinner until next month?"

"You make that sound so far away, and it's only 2 weeks from now." She smiled lightly, and Simon's lips faltered for a moment. That would've been a moment where Sagelyn would have giggled, but she hadn't. "I love you." He whispered, feeling her look up at him.

Sure, they had said it online or in texts but they had never admitted it out loud to each other. "I know, Si. I love you too." She told him, kissing his lips lightly.


Sage sighed as she pulled up to the airport, pulling her hand away from Simon's to unbuckle her seatbelt. "If you need anything, call. I don't care what time it is, love." He told her quietly, seeing her nod.

"I will." She whispered, smiling at him lightly. "It's only two weeks." She told him, seeing him sigh before they both stepped out of the car.

The car with the rest of the boys pulled up a minute later, all hugging Sagelyn before it was just Sage and Simon. "I'm going to miss you." She whispered, feeling his arms wrap around her.

"I'm going to miss you more." He told her as she placed her head on his chest and gripped the back of his tshirt.

She sighed, shaking her head before pressing her lips against her softly. "I love you, Si."

"I love you more, Sagelyn." He whispered, placing his lips back on her's lightly for a moment. "I'll see you in two weeks, little lover."

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