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"Sagelyn, take your guitar. Dad wants to hear you play." Her breath hitched at the words, nodding as she picked up the instrument. "He loves you, you know?" Sophie told her, smiling.

"I know." She whispered, smiling lightly at her sister as they began their journey to the hospital.


"Hi, Sagey." She heard as she walked into her dad's room. She closed her eyes, opening them as she looked up at him. She tried to hide the tears that came to her eyes at the sight of him. "Please don't cry, honey."

He was hooked up to so many machines, keeping him alive for as long as possible. His dark, thick hair was gone, leaving him bald with a clean shaven face. He looked so weak, his breathing ragged and his eyes tired.

She sat beside him, laying her guitar beside her as she grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry." She whispered, looking up at him. "I should've stayed here. I should've came home as soon as I found out." She mumbled, seeing him shake his head.

"Sagelyn, enough. You wanted to live in London since you were young, and I'm so glad you've gotten to live your dream." He told her, hearing her sniffle. "You know I'm so proud of you, right?" She nodded, a tear falling down her cheek.

Her father smiled, looking towards the door. "Your mother said you brought me a few guests — seven, actually." He joked, seeing his daughter smile. "Is one of them your special guy?"

"He's pretty special. They're waiting in the lobby."

"Well, what're you waiting for?" She smiled before walking to get them, waving them towards her. "Did you find them?" He asked in a joking tone when his daughter stepped back into the room.

She smiled at him before walking back in, the boys following. "Dad, these are my friends: Tobi, Harry, JJ, Ethan, Josh, Vik, and this is my boyfriend Simon." She introduced, seeing her dad smile at the tallest of the group.

"Well pull some chairs around and let's chat, yeah?" They all smiled lightly, completely caught off guard that he would be so happy to see them. "Sagey, why don't you sing us something?"

Sagelyn nodded, picking up her guitar as her mom and Sophie came into the room, sitting down as well. "Any recommendations?"

"How about the song you used to sing to your dad when you were younger?" Sage smiled, nodding as she started to strum her guitar. She felt all the eyes on her but ignored them, closing her eyes.

"Eighteen years had come and gone
For momma they flew by
But for me they drug on and on

We were loadin' up that Chevy
Both tryin' not to cry
Momma kept on talkin', puttin' off goodbye
Then she took my hand and said
Baby don't forget

Before you hit the highway
you better stop for gas
And there's a fifty in the ashtray
In case you run short on cash
Here's a map and here's a bible
if you ever lose your way
Just one more thing before you leave
Don't forget to remember me

This downtown apartment
sure makes me miss home
And those bills there on the counter
keep tellin' me I'm on my own
Just like every Sunday
I called mama up last night
And even when it's not
I tell her everything's all right
Before we hung up I said
Hey mama don't forget

To tell my baby sister
I'll see her in the fall
Tell mamaw that I miss her
yeah I should giver her a call
And make sure that you tell daddy
that I'm still his little girl
Yeah I still feel like
I'm where I'm supposed to be
But don't forget to remember me

Tonight I find myself
kneelin' by the bed to pray
Haven't done this in a while
so I don't know what to say
But lord I feel so small sometimes
in this big old place
Yeah I know there's more important things
But don't forget to remember me"

Sagelyn's dad had his eyes locked on Simon, causing everyone else to look at him as well. He was staring at the younger girl, a smile playing on his lips as he watched her play.

Her dad had a wide smile on his lips as Sagelyn finished singing, looking away from Simon. He held his daughters' hands as they talked for the rest of the time visiting hours allowed. "Boys, come back tomorrow, okay?" He told them, seeing them nod before saying their goodbyes. "Simon, a word, please? Sage, wait outside."

Simon and Tim were the only ones left in the room now, yet there was no tension. Tim told Simon to sit down, smiling at him. "I'm not here to yell at you, son." Simon nodded, understanding what he meant. "I want to tell you some things about my daughter.

"Sagelyn was always a bubbly little girl, up until she turned 16. She got into a rough relationship with a guy named Ryan." He told Simon, seeing Simon focus on his words. "He used to hurt her, abuse her. He would put her down until she couldn't take it, and he used to ruin her confidence.

"She was broken, and I never thought her warm heart deserved to be cold at such a young age of 19. I know, two years seems like a long time to get over that, but she may need time for some things.

"I trust you, Simon. I can see the love you have for her, and I can see the love she has for you. I think you two will go far in love, and I hope it's true.

"I wish I could've met you boys sooner, but I'm glad you guys came. I wish I could see you and Sagelyn grow together, and I hope one day you two get married and have children.

"Please don't break her heart, Simon. Promise me if you aren't happy you'll break up with her, no cheating. Promise me that if you sense she's unhappy you'll ask her about it. Promise me you'll help her through losing me." Tim finished, smiling lightly as Simon nodded, speaking up.

"I promise, sir. I wish we had more time together, but I promise I'll love her with everything I have. I promise I'll protect and comfort her through all she needs me to."

Simon and Tim said their goodbyes, Sagelyn walking back in to say her's before they headed back home. "Laura!" Tim called, smiling at the nurse when she walked in. "Could you bring me the notebook, please?"

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