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"What're we doing here?" Josh asked Simon as they walked into Sagelyn's home. There were boxes scattered around the room, making Josh look around curiously. "Is she moving?"

"Yeah, she's moving to the halo tower." He explained, seeing Josh nod. "She's supposed to be upstairs in bed because she's sick, but I doubt she is. Wanna come up?"

Josh shook his head, waving Simon up before walking to sit on her couch. Simon made his way up the stairs, opening Sagelyn's door to see her laying in her bed. "Hi, babygirl."

"Hey." She whispered lightly, barely being heard over the quiet tune of the record across the room. "What're you doing here?" She asked, seeing him smile lightly.

He sat down on the foot of the bed. "Just checking up on you." He told her, smiling at her tired eyes poking out from the duvet covering her body. "I've got to go film with the Josh and the rest of the boys, but after I'll come take care of you. Promise."

"Thank you." She whispered, seeing him smile before nodding. He leaned down to kiss her before realizing he didn't need to get sick and kissing her forehead. "I love you." She told him, cuddling into the blanket further.

"I love you too." He told her, hearing him walk across his room and look at the record playing. "This is our record, yeah?" She nodded, smiling lightly.

"It's one of my favorites." Sage told him, sniffling lightly afterwards. "Is Zerk downstairs? I thought I heard him," Simon nodded, glancing down the stairs. "Go ahead. Tell the boys I say hi."

"I will. Love you."

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