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We didn't have much time to get to know each other, but I'm glad that Sagelyn brought you when she did. I know it hurts to meet me and then immediately lose me, because it's the same vice versa.

You boys, and I got to spend a few hours alone together on my last day. This was a great time for me to get to know all of you.

From this experience I learned a few things about you as a group and individually:

As a group:
• You're close to Sagelyn, and you all trust each other.
• You're proud of everything she's accomplished
• You're willing to help her through anything
• You're amazingly kind as well as passionate about anything you love
• You're not embarrassed that you do YouTube.
• You all know how to comfort Simon & you'll be able to help him when the couple fights.
• Sagelyn can tell you anything
• I can trust you.

• Tobi loves snap backs, and he's a good listener. He's also super sweet. Sagelyn can always go to him for a friend or someone to shoe shop with.
• JJ isn't a terrible rapper - honestly quite good. Sagelyn won't admit it but she loves his music, and she thinks he's hilarious. Make a song together sometime.
• Ethan has a great laugh, and Sagelyn never stops talking about it when I bring her friends up. He knows how to cheer her up.
• Harry is young, but wise. He's also amazingly kind but also funny when appropriate. He can make her laugh anytime.
• Vik is loving towards Sagelyn and she trusts him a lot. He knows how to comfort her.
• Josh is the "father" of the group. He always takes care of you guys when you need it and he's not scared to tell you his opinion even when you don't want to hear it. He'll always be there for her.
• Simon, you have your own letter. Read that.

I know that a set of bullet points is kind of a childish way of writing a letter, but I couldn't think of a better way to list them. I'm sorry that we couldn't get to know each other better.

These are some things I ask of you to try to do:

• Help each other keep Sagelyn safe and happy.
• Never let Sagelyn lose Simon.
•  Never let Sagelyn lose any of you boys.
• Never let Sagelyn stop making videos unless she's truly unhappy.
• Never let anyone force Sagelyn to do anything she doesn't want to - it makes her anxious.
• Have a day with Sagelyn and you boys (as well as the girls, and the Cals) where you all just hang out and play video games, film, and listen to records.
• Ask Sagelyn what record reminds her of you individually as well as in a group.
• Choose a record for each of you to be your records with Sagelyn - she loves picking them for her friends.
• Listen to anything and everything she has to tell you.
• Listen to her random thoughts.
• If she ever stops telling you something she's passionate about because she thinks she's annoying- reassure her that you are interested.
• Buy her a book or art products someday, she loves reading but never has time and she's so good at art but she never knows what to make. If you ever need something artsy made, ask her. Have her draw or paint you, you'll be surprised.
• Ask her for music recommendations - she has a wide variety, there's sure to be something you'll like.
• If Sagelyn ever says I would be disappointed in her, remind her how much I love her. Tell her that I love her laugh, and her smile. I love her eyes, and her hair. I loved every memory with her since she was born and there was never a day that I loved anything more than her and her sister.
• Remind her that it doesn't matter that she wasn't around when I was in the hospital and don't let her stay here in Illinois because she hates it here. Make her go back to London. That's her dream.
• Every now and again, remind Sagelyn of her accomplishments and remind her how much life she still has in front of her.

Another bullet point list, I know. Thank you for being there for my angel. Keep her safe and happy, please.

Thank you for everything. I'm so glad we got some time together, even if it was such a small amount of time. Sagelyn is so happy with you guys, so try to keep her around.

Goodbye, and thank you again.

- Timothy Beckham

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