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"You want him to meet us?" Josh asked, seeing Sage nod. "What if he doesn't like us?"

"He will." She promised, smiling lightly.


The group sat in the plane the next day, Simon's hand wrapped in Sagelyn's as they slept. It was only the rest of the boys awake now, talking quietly about the situation.

It was only a few hours later that they landed on the ground, climbing off before getting their bags and heading to the hotel. They dropped their things off, soon after heading to Sagelyn's family home.

"Auntie!" Sagelyn smiled at the first thing she heard when she stepped out of the car, bending down to hug her nephew. Simon smiled as the boys climbed out of the cars as well. "Who are these people?"

"Well, Ryker, this is Tobi, Vik, Josh, Ethan, JJ, Harry, and Simon." She told him as he smiled and nodded, asking to be put down so he could run toward the house.

"This should be interesting." She mumbled as she walked towards the house, the boys following. She heard a dog barking and people talking.

As soon as she walked into the house, she was being pulled into a tight hug by her sister. "Hi, Sophie." She whispered, feeling her sister's arms tighten. "These are my friends." She told her, introducing them individually and making sure to mention Simon was her boyfriend.

She repeated this process with her mom, smiling when she spoke of how handsome Simon was. Sagelyn smiled up at the tall male, feeling his hand rest on her back. "When can we go see dad?" Sage asked, her mother's smile faltering before lifting back up.

"Tomorrow, dear." Sagelyn nodded, spending the day at her home with the boys and her family before heading to the hotel.

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