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Sagelyn sat on the side with Jesse and the sidelined team mates as she watched the charity football match. She watched her boyfriend run around with the other's, laughing when he grabbed the ball and the team acted like bowling pins.

Instagram: Sagelynhd has posted a photo.

They had made their way back out onto the pitch after the game was over, seeing the stands mainly emptied

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They had made their way back out onto the pitch after the game was over, seeing the stands mainly emptied. Simon stood in the middle of the pitch, looking around at what was just a full stadium.

Sagelyn smiled as she watched him from afar. She eventually decided to make her way to him in the middle of the pitch, walking towards him.

"I'm proud of you." Sagelyn told him before he turned towards her. He smiled, pulling her toward him. His hand fell to her hip before he kissed her forehead.

"Come on." He told her running towards the goal at the end of the field. There were still people in the stands that had decided to stay back, mainly fans still stood in them. "We haven't played in a while." He called before she ran towards him.

Jesse and Sarah were watching with Sagelyn's mom and sister, seeing the rest of the boys on both teams file into the seats beside them. They watched as he kicked it to her before she kicked it into the net. "She's really good." Joe Sugg spoke up, the rest of the guys agreeing.

"She had a scholarship for it but decided to do YouTube instead." Callux spoke up, seeing most of their face expressions change to surprised. JJ pointed, silently telling them to look.

The shorter of the couple kicked the ball over Simon's head, running around him to kick it into the net. He threw his hands up as she smiled and cheered. She walked towards him, smiling lightly.

"I love you." She told him, seeing his eyes soften at the words. His smile grew across his face, reaching his eyes as he pulled her closer by her hip. He cupped her cheek as he kissed her.

He pulled away before whispering, "I love you too."


Yo, so yeah! You can follow "Sage's" Instagram now! It obviously won't have many followers but it'll had sneak peaks to the new chapters if they have Instagram posts in them ¯\_()_/¯

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