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just now


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just now


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ZerkaaHD sent you a chat!
just now | tap to chat

could you kindly tell him to put on a fucking shirt

i would
but that would require me to let him in my house

good point
you should meet the rest of us sometime

let me ask simon something

alright bro

is it cool if I come with simon
when he comes back tonight?

yeah of course

I'll see you tonight then

see you then

Sagelyn sat at her makeup table, a record playing in the background as she put her mascara on. The record playing behind her didn't block out Simon yelling at the FIFA game downstairs, but she didn't mind.

"Si? Am I staying the night at your's?"

"Yeah!" He called back, focusing back on the game in front of him.



👁RealBehzinga👁wroetosnap👁ZerkaaHD👁TherealKSI👁tobjizzle👁Vikkstar👁miniminter✨miniminter took a screenshot !👁Jessicahd

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miniminter took a screenshot !

She stood up, grabbing a backpack and putting a set of leggings and a t-shirt into the bottom of it before laying her outfit for the next day into it. Grabbing her makeup bag and phone charger, she walked down her stairs. "Simon, are you gonna be ready soon?"

"Last match, love." He told her as she stood beside him. He saw her lean down, kissing his lips lightly. "I'll be done soon. Promise." He told her, pecking her lips once more before she walked to the kitchen.

She sat at the island counter until he was ready to go, feeling his arms wrap around her waist and his lips press a kiss to her shoulder. "I'm ready if you are."

She nodded, standing up and grabbing her keys. "Do you want to drive separately?"

"I can give you a ride back tomorrow." She nodded, grabbing her bags before they were walking to his car. "My friends are annoying and loud, so I'm sorry in advance." He told her as they pulled into the sidemen house's driveway.

He turned his car off, opening his door and getting out. He waited for Sagelyn at the front of his car, his hand falling on the small of her back as he led her towards the door. Simon opened the door, looking around for the boys. "Simon! That you?!"

"Yeah, it's me!" He called, rolling his eyes.

"Did you bring her?!" Josh asked as footsteps were heard from the stairs.

"WHO'D HE BRING?!" JJ yelled, getting up to walk to the entrance.

"The cals are here!" Callux called as he and Calfreezy came around the corner. "Sage?!" He called, confused. "It's been forever!"

Sage chuckled as they hugged. "We need to catch up sometime." She told him, their conversation continuing until the boys were all gathered.

"This is Sagely- This is Sage." He gestured to her. "Sage this is JJ, Harry, Ethan, Vik, Josh, and Tobi. Along with Calfreezy and Callux but you already know him." Gesturing to each person, they introduced themselves.

The rest of the night was spent with the boys all playing FIFA. "You know, Sage is really good at  football." Lux pointed out. "She used to play it all the time."

"Really?" Simon asked, his eyebrows raised

"Yeah, I guess." She answered, shrugging. "I got a scholarship for it when I graduated."

"What?! Did you take it?!" JJ asked, eyes wide.

She nodded. "Originally, yes. But after about a year I started YouTube and that was more fun to me. I didn't really have the time to do both so I chose YouTube."

"It's still daylight. Why don't we go play?" Callux asked. "I'm sure there's merch that you guys could give Sage to play in." Simon nodded, standing up.

"Come here, sagelyn." She stood, taking his hand as they walked upstairs. "Let's find you some merch." He told her as they walked into the closet they held it in. "Do you prefer playing in a tshirt or a long sleeve?"

"I don't care, Si." She smiled, taking the joggers and short sleeved shirt he handed her. "Thanks."

"You can change in my bathroom." He spoke, leading her to it before pushing the door open.

She nodded, walking in and changing quickly before walking back out. Simon smiled at her, grabbing a shirt from his closet before pulling it on. "Do you have any boots at your house?"

"Somewhere, I'm sure." Sage told him, slipping her converse back on before looking in the mirror in front of Simon to tie her hair into a ponytail.

She flipped her hair upside down, gathering it into her fingers before flipping back up, securing it with a ponytail. She pulled the hair around her face out to frame it.

"Alright, Sage and I have to go by her house to get her boots. Meet you guys at the pitch?" They all nodded before Sage was following Simon out the door.

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