Chapter 10

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Perrie's Pov

Its already monday and im getting ready for school its been a long since i attend school i have so many missed lesson. after i ate i walked through my bathroom and took a shower and wear my clothes. 

*beep, beep*

"Perrie are you ready?" i heard niall yell 

i run downstairs and open my door 

"yes come on!" i said and louis opened the door for me

"Wow we are all matching clothes except harry as usual" I said while laughing

they just laugh.

- skip ride- 

We arrived on school, Harry is the first one who leave the car second niall who is in the middle then liam opened the other door Harry opened the door for me and louis get out the car after he turn off the engine then he locked it 

All eyes are on us as we walked through the way to the corridor 

me walking in the middle. Niall is on my right side then Liam then Harry and Louis on my Left side. 


"WHO ARE THOSE HOT GUYS?!" i heard the girl said

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"WHO ARE THOSE HOT GUYS?!" i heard the girl said

"PERRIE STILL LOOKING SO HOT" I heard the guy said then louis just glared him and he held my hand .

"Is that Perrie's Boyfriend?" i heard the girl said

"OMG THEY LOOK SO GOOD TOGETHER!" The other girl said

"Hi perrie welcome back" the guy said and winked actually i dont know him so i just smiled at him.

"Guys that's our room!" i pointed them the door 

"Okay" they said in chorus

"Guys you may enter the room now i will just talk to jesy "  i said as i saw jesy walking through my way.

"Perrie i'll come with you" louis said 

"Sure lou" i said the other guys enter the room.

"Hi jesy!" i said to her

Jade's POV

"did you see the four new hot guys?!" i heard on one of my students

"YES! and did you see perrie?" the girl replied perrie is here? im so excited to see her!

"YES SHE LOOK SO HOT and i think one of the four boys is her boyfriend!"  the other girl said im listening to them but the knock on the door interrupted me.

"Ms may we come in we are the new transferees" the blonde boy said

"yes sure" i just smiled at him 

I look at my students their eyes are on those three guys and i can see that they eye fucking them

the bell rang but perrie is still not here 

"So-" the knocked on the door interrupted me again 

" Ms. Thirlwall may i come in ?" I looked at her

"Why are you late Ms. Nelson?" i asked her

"Uhm Perrie forget here bag on Louis car so we went to the parking lot again to get that" She explained. i just nod 

"okay you may all come in" i said

My eyes open wide when i saw Perrie she look so hot on her dress damn! i looked at her feet up to her face i just saw her smirking at me. I just blushed but my jaw clench when the guy besides him held her hand 

"you two, you may now take your sit" i said to them

"So you guys have new guy classmates. Mind introducing yourself guys?" i look at the four guys and smiled they just nod and stand up walking to the front beside my desk.

" Hello im Niall Horan" The blonde guy said while waving his hand

"Liam, Liam Payne" the guy said.

"The name is Harry, Harry Styles" The long haired guy said

"I am Louis Tomlinson, just call me louis" the guy who held perrie's hand said and he smiled 

After introducing their self its my turn to introduce my self for them 

"For those new students who dont still know me i am Jade Thirlwall call me Ms. Thirlwall" i said looking at the four guys.

i looked at the guy besides perrie named Louis. He stared at me and he is a bit shock he lean closer at perrie and he whisper something and it cause perrie to blush and she nod. i clench my fist because of the scene

" so we are going to start the lesson today" i said to my student 

the time went real quick and its now their dismissal 

"Perrie can i talk to you for a minute" i asked her and she just smiled at me and nod

"Perrie we need to go now.  Jesy will give you a ride home" Louis said and he hugged perrie the three boys hugged her too.

"bye guys take care"  she said

louis leaned forward again on  perrie's ear and he whisper something perrie blushed again  louis just smirked.

"bye perrie" he winked at perrie

perrie just giggled i just clench my fist i hate this feeling.


Hey guys!! i'll post the next chapter tomorrow!!


Sorry about the edit tho. i just edit it just for you to see what i really wanted to tell. 😝

dont forget to vote xx

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