Chapter 36

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- 3 Months Later -

Perrie's POV

its been 7 months since me and Jade became together and we are still so strong, Sam Craske he's still a fuck boy but we didnt mind him i hope he know his limit, Tristan he became my close friend. Leigh and Jesy became together they look so lovely together. Liam Louis Niall and Harry they are on the airport i think their concert on the other country is done? they are now the famous band yeah, i actually cant believed it but im happy for them. So today im on my house getting ready for Jade's and I's date yes today i will ask her to be with me forever im so nervous and Caitlin my sister want to see her in person, Caitlin and Jade still dont know each other.

"Come on Caitlin Jade is waiting on the starbucks we need to hurry up!!" i shouted  and caitlin come in a rush

"Im Coming" she said and run to me

"Good, come on " i said and we entered the car

 i actually feel someone is following us but i dont have time to think about it. im thinking about what if-

"Goodluck sis" Caitlin suddenly cut off my thoughts

"I hope she said yes" i said nervously

"She will" Caitlin said 

we just drove the car

we are now walking on the parking lot.

"wait my shoe lace" i said and kneel down my one knee

"Hey please hold this" i said and held the flower to her 

"Hatchhuuu" she sneezed and cover her face

"Did you not remember that im actually allergic to flower ha?" she asked and i hurridly get the flower to her

"Aw im sorry i forgot" i said and hugged her

"What is the meaning of this?!" someone said from behind

Jade's POV

i walked outside to get my phone on the car i forgot it while walking, i gasped on what i saw. i saw my perrie kneeling down and giving flower to the girl who's now covering her face what the fuck is this. perrie stand up and hugged her. my heart broke at the scene. did she actually proposed to someone?!'

"What is the meaning of this?!" i said perrie turned around and looked at me and smiled, wow why she look so happy?

"oh babe i want you to meet my -" i cut her off i dont want to hear it from her

"Your FIANCEE i get it, you dont need to say it"I said to her she looked at me confusely

"Huh?? thats not what i want to sa-" she stopped

"Caitlin where are you going?" perrie shouted, my blood boiled

"Im just going on the starbucks" she said

i walked hurridly on the car

"Jade wait up!" she said but i ignored her im so pissed right now.

i walked to my car and drove when i looked into the mirror i saw perrie running and following me but i didnt expect what just happened next i stopped the car nervously, and get out

Perrie's POV

"Jade wait up" i said but she just ignored me she walked to the car and i followed her, i run as fast as i can. this is just a misunderstanding i need to explain it to her i love her so much i dont know what will happen to me if i lost her.

As i run i didnt noticed the black car because of the tears falling in to my eyes my eyes are so blurry the car bumped me, after that the car drive quickly away like the car intentionally bumped me and i can feel my body get numb because its so painful my head hurt so i held my hand and when i looked into my hand i saw a blood . i cant take it any longer my vision got blurry and blurry while the memory of me and jade come flooding into my mind until i saw just a complete blackness

"i love you jade" i whisper quietly

Zayn's POV

i smirked as i saw perrie on the street running. this is the time to perform my revenged. i been on a jail for 6  fucking months they need to pay for this. i drove my car quickly and bumped into her making sure it have so much force the fact that her body will got numb. after i bumped her i drive my car while im laughing. i won 


i'll update the next chapter later :)

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